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Yirmi Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For although disbelief is only one evil, it insults the whole universe, accusing it of being worthless and futile, and denies all beings, which display proofs of Divine unity, and is contemptuous towards all the manifestations of the Divine Names. It is therefore pure wisdom that Almighty God utters severe complaints about the unbelievers, threatening them awesomely in the name of the universe and all beings and the Divine Names; it is pure j..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''Because disbelief, rebellion, and evil are destruction and non- existence. However, vast destruction and innumerable instances of non-existence may result from a single theoretical matter and one instance of non-existence. Through the helmsman of a large ship abandoning his duty, the ship may sink and the labour of all those employed on it go for nothing; all those instances of destruction will result from a single instance of non-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For although disbelief is only one evil, it insults the whole universe, accusing it of being worthless and futile, and denies all beings, which display proofs of Divine unity, and is contemptuous towards all the manifestations of the Divine Names. It is therefore pure wisdom that Almighty God utters severe complaints about the unbelievers, threatening them awesomely in the name of the universe and all beings and the Divine Names; it is pure j..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
36. satır: 36. satır:
'''The Answer:'''Because disbelief, rebellion, and evil are destruction and non- existence.  However, vast destruction and innumerable instances of non-existence may result from a single  theoretical matter and one instance of non-existence. Through the helmsman of a large ship abandoning  his duty, the ship may sink and the labour of all those employed on it go for nothing; all those instances of destruction will result from a single  instance  of  non-existence.  Similarly,  since  disbelief  and  rebellion  are  non- existence and destruction, the power of choice may provoke them through a theoretical matter and cause awesome consequences.
'''The Answer:'''Because disbelief, rebellion, and evil are destruction and non- existence.  However, vast destruction and innumerable instances of non-existence may result from a single  theoretical matter and one instance of non-existence. Through the helmsman of a large ship abandoning  his duty, the ship may sink and the labour of all those employed on it go for nothing; all those instances of destruction will result from a single  instance  of  non-existence.  Similarly,  since  disbelief  and  rebellion  are  non- existence and destruction, the power of choice may provoke them through a theoretical matter and cause awesome consequences.

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For although disbelief is only one evil, it insults  the whole universe, accusing it  of being worthless and futile,  and denies all beings,  which  display  proofs  of Divine unity,  and  is  contemptuous towards  all  the manifestations of the Divine Names. It is therefore pure wisdom that Almighty God utters severe complaints about the unbelievers, threatening them awesomely in the name of the universe and all beings and the Divine Names; it is pure justice that they should suffer eternal  punishment. Since  through  unbelief  and  rebellion  man  takes  the  way  of destruction, with a small act of service, he may perform a great many works. In the face of unbelief therefore, the believers are in need of Almighty God’s boundless grace. For due to one troublesome child who is trying to burn down a house, ten strong men who have undertaken to protect and repair it may be obliged to beseech the child’s parents, or even have recourse to the king. In the same way the believers are in need of many Divine favours in order to withstand the unmannerly people of rebellion.
Madem insan, küfür ve isyanla tahribat tarafına gidiyor. Az bir hizmetle pek çok işleri yapar. Onun için ehl-i iman, onlara karşı Cenab-ı Hakk’ın inayet-i azîmine muhtaçtır. Çünkü on kuvvetli adam, bir evin muhafazasını ve tamiratını deruhte etse haylaz bir çocuğun o haneye ateş vermeye çalışmasına karşı, o çocuğun velisine, belki padişahına müracaata, yalvarmaya mecbur olması gibi; mü’minlerin de böyle edepsiz ehl-i isyana karşı dayanmak için Cenab-ı Hakk’ın çok inayatına muhtaçtırlar.

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