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Yirmi Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, if the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice is one of the heedless and neglectful, then he has no right to speak of them. For, impelled by his misguidance, his evil-commanding soul attributes the universe to causes and divides up God’s property among them. And he attributes the ownership of himself to himself. He ascribes his acts to himself and to causes. His responsibility and faults, he refers to Divine Determining. H..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''In Short:''' If the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice has perfect belief and is aware of the Divine presence, he attributes the universe and himself to Almighty God, knowing them to be under His disposal. He has the right to speak of them. For since he knows himself and everything to be from Almighty God, he assumes the responsibility, basing it on his power of choice. He accepts that it is the source of evils and proclaims..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, if the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice is one of the heedless and neglectful, then he has no right to speak of them. For, impelled by his misguidance, his evil-commanding soul attributes the universe to causes and divides up God’s property among them. And he attributes the ownership of himself to himself. He ascribes his acts to himself and to causes. His responsibility and faults, he refers to Divine Determining. H..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
40. satır: 40. satır:
'''In Short:''' If the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice has perfect  belief and is aware of the Divine presence, he attributes the universe and himself to Almighty God,  knowing them to be under His disposal. He has the right to speak of them. For since he knows himself and everything to be from Almighty God, he assumes the responsibility, basing it on his power of choice. He accepts that it is the source of evils and proclaims his Sustainer free of  fault. He remains within the sphere of worship and undertakes the obligations with which he is charged by Almighty God. Moreover, he does not become proud at his good deeds and achievements;  he  rather looks to Divine Determining and offers thanks. He sees Divine Determining in the calamities that befall him, and endures them in patience.
'''In Short:''' If the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice has perfect  belief and is aware of the Divine presence, he attributes the universe and himself to Almighty God,  knowing them to be under His disposal. He has the right to speak of them. For since he knows himself and everything to be from Almighty God, he assumes the responsibility, basing it on his power of choice. He accepts that it is the source of evils and proclaims his Sustainer free of  fault. He remains within the sphere of worship and undertakes the obligations with which he is charged by Almighty God. Moreover, he does not become proud at his good deeds and achievements;  he  rather looks to Divine Determining and offers thanks. He sees Divine Determining in the calamities that befall him, and endures them in patience.

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However, if the one speaking of Divine Determining and the power of choice is one of the heedless and neglectful, then he has no right to speak of them. For, impelled by his misguidance, his evil-commanding soul attributes the universe to causes and divides up God’s property among them. And he attributes the ownership of himself to himself. He ascribes his acts to himself and to causes. His  responsibility and faults, he refers to Divine Determining. He will finally ascribe the power of choice to Almighty God, and he will  consider  Divine  Determining  last  of  all;  thus  discussion  of  them  becomes meaningless. To discuss them is only a trick of the soul which is entirely contrary to the wisdom in them, in order to save such a person from responsibility.
Eğer kader ve cüz-i ihtiyarîden bahseden adam, ehl-i gaflet ise o vakit kaderden ve cüz-i ihtiyarîden bahse hakkı yoktur. Çünkü nefs-i emmaresi, gaflet veya dalalet sâikasıyla kâinatı esbaba verip Allah’ın malını onlara taksim eder, kendini de kendine temlik eder. Fiilini kendine ve esbaba verir. Mes’uliyeti ve kusuru kadere havale eder. O vakit, nihayette Cenab-ı Hakk’a verilecek olan cüz-i ihtiyarî ve en nihayette medar-ı nazar olacak olan kader bahsi manasızdır. Yalnız, bütün bütün onların hikmetine zıt ve mes’uliyetten kurtulmak için bir desise-i nefsiyedir.

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