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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, after that revolution and upheaval, the subtle faculties have gradually sunk into sleep and the senses fallen from that point of realities into heedlessness; like fruits, under the veil of familiarity, those blessed words have gradually lost their delicacy and freshness. Simply, as though drying up through the air of superficiality, only a little freshness remains, and this may be restored to its former state only through drastic surgery of a r..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In that mighty social revolution brought about by the lights of the Qur’an, while opposites were separated from one another, and evils together with all their darkness, details and all who followed them, and good and perfections together with all their lights and results came face to face – at such an exciting time, all glorifications of God and recitations of His Names expressed all the levels of their meanings freshly and newly and in a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, after that revolution and upheaval, the subtle faculties have gradually sunk into sleep and the senses fallen from that point of realities into heedlessness; like fruits, under the veil of familiarity, those blessed words have gradually lost their delicacy and freshness. Simply, as though drying up through the air of superficiality, only a little freshness remains, and this may be restored to its former state only through drastic surgery of a r..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
185. satır: 185. satır:
In that mighty social revolution brought about by the lights of the Qur’an, while  opposites  were  separated  from  one  another,  and  evils  together  with  all  their darkness, details and all who followed them, and good and perfections together with all their lights and results came face to face – at such an exciting time, all glorifications of God and recitations of His Names expressed all the levels of their meanings freshly and newly and in a young and unfaded fashion. So too, under the  crashing of that mighty revolution all the senses and subtle inner faculties of people were awakened, even  senses  like  those  of  fancy and  imagination,  in  an awakened  and  aware  state, received the  numerous meanings of those recitations and glorifications in accordance with their own perceptions, and absorbed them. Thus, due to this wisdom, when the Companions, whose senses were awakened and subtle faculties, alert, uttered those blessed words comprising the lights of belief and glorification, they  did so in all their meaning and they partook of them with all their senses.
In that mighty social revolution brought about by the lights of the Qur’an, while  opposites  were  separated  from  one  another,  and  evils  together  with  all  their darkness, details and all who followed them, and good and perfections together with all their lights and results came face to face – at such an exciting time, all glorifications of God and recitations of His Names expressed all the levels of their meanings freshly and newly and in a young and unfaded fashion. So too, under the  crashing of that mighty revolution all the senses and subtle inner faculties of people were awakened, even  senses  like  those  of  fancy and  imagination,  in  an awakened  and  aware  state, received the  numerous meanings of those recitations and glorifications in accordance with their own perceptions, and absorbed them. Thus, due to this wisdom, when the Companions, whose senses were awakened and subtle faculties, alert, uttered those blessed words comprising the lights of belief and glorification, they  did so in all their meaning and they partook of them with all their senses.

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However, after that  revolution and upheaval, the subtle faculties have gradually sunk into sleep and the senses fallen from that point of realities into heedlessness; like fruits, under the veil of familiarity, those blessed words have gradually lost their delicacy and freshness. Simply, as though drying up through the air of superficiality, only a little freshness remains, and this may be restored to its former state only through drastic surgery of a reflective and reasoning kind. Thus, it is because of this that another can reach the virtue  and level the Companions attained to in forty minutes, only in forty years.
Halbuki o infilak ve inkılabdan sonra, gitgide letaif uykuya ve havas o hakaik noktasında gaflete düşüp o kelimat-ı mübareke, meyveler gibi gitgide, ülfet perdesiyle letafetini ve taravetini kaybeder. Âdeta sathîlik havasıyla kuruyor gibi az bir yaşlık kalıyor ki kuvvetli, tefekkürî bir ameliyatla ancak evvelki hali iade edilebilir. İşte bundandır ki kırk dakikada bir sahabenin kazandığı fazilete ve makama, kırk günde, hattâ kırk senede başkası ancak yetişebilir.

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