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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''FOURTH QUESTION:'''Where does the claim of the Companions’ superiority spring from? And who put it forward? Why should this matter be made the subject of discussion at this time? Also, why is there this claim of equality with the great interpreters of the law?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The perfect man is he who, driving all those subtle senses towards reality on the different ways of worship particular to them, marches heroically like the Companions in a broad arena and rich fashion towards the goal, with the heart as commander and the subtle faculties as soldiers. For the heart to abandon its soldiers in order to save only itself and to proceed on its own is the cause not of pride, but of distress." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''FOURTH QUESTION:'''Where does the claim of the Companions’ superiority spring from? And who put it forward? Why should this matter be made the subject of discussion at this time? Also, why is there this claim of equality with the great interpreters of the law?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
266. satır: 266. satır:
The perfect man is he who, driving all those subtle senses towards  reality on the different ways of worship particular to them, marches heroically like the Companions in  a  broad arena and rich fashion towards the goal, with the heart as commander and the subtle faculties as soldiers. For the heart to abandon its soldiers in order to save only itself and to proceed on its own is the cause not of pride, but of distress.
The perfect man is he who, driving all those subtle senses towards  reality on the different ways of worship particular to them, marches heroically like the Companions in  a  broad arena and rich fashion towards the goal, with the heart as commander and the subtle faculties as soldiers. For the heart to abandon its soldiers in order to save only itself and to proceed on its own is the cause not of pride, but of distress.

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'''FOURTH QUESTION:'''Where does the claim of the Companions’ superiority spring  from? And who put it forward? Why should this matter be made the subject of discussion  at  this  time?  Also, why  is  there  this  claim  of  equality  with  the  great interpreters of the law?
'''Dördüncü Sual:''' Sahabelere karşı iddia-yı rüçhan nereden çıkıyor? Kim çıkarıyor? Şu zamanda, bu meseleyi medar-ı bahis etmek nedendir? Hem müçtehidîn-i izama karşı müsavat dava etmek neden ileri geliyor?

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