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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Moreover, since, as is plain to see, pre-eternal power creates innumerable animate beings and beings with spirits from the most common substances and densest matter, and giving it great importance, transmutes dense matter by means of life into a subtle substance; and since it strews the light of life everywhere in great abundance, and gilds most things with the light of consciousness; with such flawless power and faultless wisdom, the All-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Since life and consciousness are important to this great extent; and since there is self-evidently an absolutely perfect order in the universe, and a masterly precision and most wise harmony; and since our lowly, wretched globe, our wandering earth has been filled with uncountable numbers of animate beings, intelligent beings, and beings with spirits; it may be concluded with decisive certainty that those heavenly palaces, those lofty constellations als..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Moreover, since, as is plain to see, pre-eternal power creates innumerable animate beings and beings with spirits from the most common substances and densest matter, and giving it great importance, transmutes dense matter by means of life into a subtle substance; and since it strews the light of life everywhere in great abundance, and gilds most things with the light of consciousness; with such flawless power and faultless wisdom, the All-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
63. satır: 63. satır:
Since life and consciousness are important to this great extent; and since there is self-evidently an absolutely perfect order in the universe, and a masterly precision and most wise harmony; and since our  lowly, wretched globe, our wandering earth has been filled with uncountable numbers of animate beings, intelligent beings, and beings with spirits; it may be concluded with decisive certainty that those heavenly palaces, those lofty constellations also have animate and conscious inhabitants appropriate to them. As fish swim in water, so are those luminous inhabitants present in the fire of the sun. Fire does not consume light; indeed, Fire aids light.
Since life and consciousness are important to this great extent; and since there is self-evidently an absolutely perfect order in the universe, and a masterly precision and most wise harmony; and since our  lowly, wretched globe, our wandering earth has been filled with uncountable numbers of animate beings, intelligent beings, and beings with spirits; it may be concluded with decisive certainty that those heavenly palaces, those lofty constellations also have animate and conscious inhabitants appropriate to them. As fish swim in water, so are those luminous inhabitants present in the fire of the sun. Fire does not consume light; indeed, Fire aids light.

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Moreover, since, as is plain to see, pre-eternal power creates innumerable animate beings and beings with spirits from the most common substances and densest matter, and giving  it  great  importance,  transmutes  dense  matter  by  means  of  life  into  a  subtle substance; and since it strews the light of life everywhere in great abundance, and gilds most things with the light of consciousness; with such  flawless  power and faultless wisdom, the All-Wise and All-Powerful One would certainly not neglect the other floods of subtle matter like light and ether, which are close to and fitting for the spirit; He  would not leave them without life, without consciousness, inanimate. Indeed, He creates animate and  conscious  beings  in great numbers from light, which is also matter, and even from meanings, air, and even words. Just as He creates numerous different species of animals, so from these torrents of subtle matter He creates numerous different spirit creatures. One kind of them are the angels, others are the varieties of spirit beings and jinn.
Madem kudret-i ezeliye bilmüşahede en âdi maddelerden, en kesif unsurlardan hadsiz zîhayat ve zîruhu halk eder ve gayet ehemmiyetle madde-i kesifeyi, hayat vasıtasıyla madde-i latîfeye çevirir ve nur-u hayatı her şeyde kesretle serpiyor ve şuur ziyasıyla ekser şeyleri yaldızlıyor. Elbette o Kadîr-i Hakîm bu kusursuz kudretiyle, bu noksansız hikmetiyle; nur gibi esîr gibi ruha yakın ve münasip olan sair seyyalat-ı latîfe maddeleri ihmal edip hayatsız bırakmaz, camid bırakmaz, şuursuz bırakmaz. Belki madde-i nurdan, hattâ zulmetten, hattâ esîr maddesinden, hattâ manalardan, hattâ havadan, hattâ kelimelerden zîhayat, zîşuuru kesretle halk eder ki hayvanatın pek çok muhtelif ecnasları gibi pek çok muhtelif ruhanî mahlukları, o seyyalat-ı latîfe maddelerinden halk eder. Onların bir kısmı melâike, bir kısmı da ruhanî ve cin ecnaslarıdır.

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