İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As the above comparison indicates, the fact that the globe of the earth is the home of these infinite numbers of beings endowed with consciousness and spirit, despite its insignificance and density among the lofty heavenly bodies and planets, and even its grossest and most rotten particulars becoming masses of micro-organisms when they cease as sources of life, necessarily, demonstrably," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The fact that a thing is not seen does not indicate its non-existence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As the above comparison indicates, the fact that the globe of the earth is the home of these infinite numbers of beings endowed with consciousness and spirit, despite its insignificance and density among the lofty heavenly bodies and planets, and even its grossest and most rotten particulars becoming masses of micro-organisms when they cease as sources of life, necessarily, demonstrably," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
71. satır: 71. satır:
The fact that a thing is not seen does not indicate its non-existence.
The fact that a thing is not seen does not indicate its non-existence.

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As the above comparison indicates, the fact that the globe of the earth is the home of these  infinite  numbers of  beings endowed with consciousness and  spirit, despite  its insignificance  and  density among the lofty heavenly bodies and planets, and even its grossest and most rotten  particulars becoming masses of micro-organisms when they cease as sources of life, necessarily, demonstrably,
İşte şu temsil gibi ecram-ı ulviye ve ecsam-ı seyyare içinde küre-i arzın hakaret ve kesafeti ile beraber bu kadar hadsiz zîruhların, zîşuurların vatanı olması ve en hasis ve en müteaffin cüzleri dahi birer menba-ı hayat kesilmesi, birer mahşer-i huveynat olması, bizzarure ve bilbedahe ve bi’t-tarîkı’l-evlâ ve bi’l-hadsi’s-sadık ve bi’l-yakîni’l-kat’î delâlet eder, şehadet eyler, ilan eder ki:

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