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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''In Short:'''Since the scholars of religion and philosophy, and of the speculative and scriptural sciences, have in effect agreed that beings are not restricted to this Manifest World; and since, despite being inanimate and inappropriate for the formation of spirits, the visible Manifest World has been adorned to such an extent with beings with spirits; existence is surely not limited to it. There are numerous other levels of existence in relation to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("You should never think that the laws in force in this creation are sufficient for the universe to be alive, because those governing laws are insubstantial commands; they are imaginary principles; they may be considered as non-existent. If there were no absolutely obedient creatures called angels to represent them, make them apparent, and take their reins into their own hands, those laws could not be defined as existent, nor be represented as having a p..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''In Short:'''Since the scholars of religion and philosophy, and of the speculative and scriptural sciences, have in effect agreed that beings are not restricted to this Manifest World; and since, despite being inanimate and inappropriate for the formation of spirits, the visible Manifest World has been adorned to such an extent with beings with spirits; existence is surely not limited to it. There are numerous other levels of existence in relation to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
108. satır: 108. satır:
You should never think that the laws in  force in this creation are sufficient for the universe to be alive, because those governing laws are  insubstantial commands; they are imaginary principles; they may be considered as non-existent. If there were no absolutely obedient creatures called angels to represent them, make them apparent, and take their reins into their own hands, those laws could not be defined as existent, nor be represented as having a particular identity, nor be an external reality. Whereas, Life is an external reality, and an imaginary command cannot sustain an external reality.
You should never think that the laws in  force in this creation are sufficient for the universe to be alive, because those governing laws are  insubstantial commands; they are imaginary principles; they may be considered as non-existent. If there were no absolutely obedient creatures called angels to represent them, make them apparent, and take their reins into their own hands, those laws could not be defined as existent, nor be represented as having a particular identity, nor be an external reality. Whereas, Life is an external reality, and an imaginary command cannot sustain an external reality.

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'''In Short:'''Since the scholars of religion and philosophy, and of the speculative and scriptural sciences, have in effect agreed that beings are not restricted to this Manifest World; and since, despite being inanimate and inappropriate for the formation of spirits, the visible Manifest World has been adorned to such an extent with beings with spirits; existence is surely not limited to it. There are  numerous other levels of existence in relation to which the Manifest World is an embroidered veil.  
'''Elhasıl''', madem ehl-i hikmetle ehl-i din ve ashab-ı akıl ve nakil manen ittifak etmişler ki mevcudat, şu âlem-i şehadete münhasır değildir. Hem madem zâhir olan âlem-i şehadet, camid ve teşekkül-ü ervaha nâmuvafık olduğu halde bu kadar zîruhlarla tezyin edilmiş. Elbette, vücud ona münhasır değildir. Belki daha çok tabakat-ı vücud vardır ki âlem-i şehadet onlara nisbeten münakkaş bir perdedir.

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