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"'''A Subtle, Allusive Matter'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If, with the permission of the pre-eternal will, some external disease or destructive event do not befall the world before the time of its natural death, and its All-Wise Maker also does not demolish it before that time, for sure, according to scientific reckoning, a day will come when the meanings and mysteries of the verse:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''A Subtle, Allusive Matter'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
465. satır: 465. satır:
If, with the  permission of the pre-eternal will,  some external disease or destructive event do not befall the world before the time of its natural death, and its All-Wise Maker also does not demolish it before that time, for sure, according to scientific reckoning, a day will come when the meanings and mysteries of the verse:
If, with the  permission of the pre-eternal will,  some external disease or destructive event do not befall the world before the time of its natural death, and its All-Wise Maker also does not demolish it before that time, for sure, according to scientific reckoning, a day will come when the meanings and mysteries of the verse:

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When the sun is rolled up; * When the stars tumble; * When the mountains are swept away; * When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended; * When the wild beasts are herded together; * When the oceans boil over;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 81:1-6.</ref>)
اِذَا الشَّم۟سُ كُوِّرَت۟ ۝ وَاِذَا النُّجُومُ ان۟كَدَرَت۟ ۝ وَاِذَا ال۟جِبَالُ سُيِّرَت۟ ۝ اِذَا السَّمَٓاءُ ان۟فَطَرَت۟ ۝ وَاِذَا ال۟كَوَاكِبُ ان۟تَثَرَت۟ ۝ وَاِذَا ال۟بِحَارُ فُجِّرَت۟ manaları ve sırları, Kadîr-i Ezelî’nin izni ile tezahür edip, o dünya olan büyük insan sekerata başlayıp acib bir hırıltı ile ve müthiş bir savt ile fezayı çınlatıp dolduracak, bağırıp ölecek; sonra emr-i İlahî ile dirilecektir.
will become manifest with the permission of the Pre-Eternal All-Powerful One, and the death agonies of the macroanthropos which is the world will begin; it will fill space and make it reverberate with an appalling death-rattle and devastating sound; roaring, it will die. Then, at the Divine command, it will return to life once more.

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'''A Subtle, Allusive Matter'''
'''İnce Remizli Bir Mesele'''

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