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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"No matter how weak reality is, it does not die; it is not annihilated like a form. Rather, it travels in individuals and forms. Reality grows, develops, and gradually expands, while the shell and the form wear out, become finer, and break up. They are renewed in a better form so as to become suitable to the stature of the stable and expanded reality. In regard to increase and decrease, reality and form are in inverse proportion. That is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Creative power sprinkling the light of life on dense, lifeless, extinguished, dead objects with an astonishing activity is a sign that it dissolves, burns, and illuminates this dense world with the light of life on account of the subtle world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("No matter how weak reality is, it does not die; it is not annihilated like a form. Rather, it travels in individuals and forms. Reality grows, develops, and gradually expands, while the shell and the form wear out, become finer, and break up. They are renewed in a better form so as to become suitable to the stature of the stable and expanded reality. In regard to increase and decrease, reality and form are in inverse proportion. That is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
474. satır: 474. satır:
Creative power sprinkling the light of life on dense, lifeless, extinguished, dead objects with an astonishing activity is a sign that it dissolves, burns, and  illuminates this dense world with the light of life on account of the subtle world.
Creative power sprinkling the light of life on dense, lifeless, extinguished, dead objects with an astonishing activity is a sign that it dissolves, burns, and  illuminates this dense world with the light of life on account of the subtle world.

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No matter how weak reality is, it does not die; it is not annihilated like a form. Rather, it  travels  in  individuals  and  forms. Reality  grows, develops, and  gradually expands, while the shell and  the form wear out, become finer, and break up. They are renewed  in a  better form so  as to  become  suitable to the stature of the stable and expanded reality. In regard to increase and decrease, reality  and form are in inverse proportion. That is to say, the more substantial form grows, the weaker reality becomes. The less substantial form becomes, to that degree the reality grows stronger.
Evet, hakikat ne kadar zayıf ise de ölmez, suret gibi mahvolmaz. Belki teşahhuslarda, suretlerde seyr ü sefer eder. Hakikat büyür, inkişaf eder, gittikçe genişlenir. Kışır ve suret ise eskileşir, inceleşir, parçalanır. Sabit ve büyümüş hakikatin kametine yakışmak için daha güzel olarak tazeleşir. Ziyade ve noksan noktasında hakikatle suret, makûsen mütenasiptirler. Yani suret kalınlaştıkça hakikat inceleşir. Suret inceleştikçe hakikat o nisbette kuvvet bulur. İşte şu kanun, kanun-u tekâmüle dâhil olan bütün eşyaya şâmildir.

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