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"==Fifth Window==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("So now, O you ignorant, heedless, obstinate wretch! With what can you interpret this mighty truth? With what can you explain this infinitely miraculous and wonderful state of affairs? To what can you attribute these truly extraordinary arts? What veil of heedlessness can you draw across this window as broad as the earth and so close it? Where is your chance and coincidence, your unconscious companion on which you rely and call ‘nature,’ your friend..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("==Fifth Window==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
274. satır: 274. satır:
Come, now  look  carefully at a  tree! See its  delicate  mouth within  the orderly emergence of the leaves in spring, and the blossoms opening in a measured manner, and the fruits swelling with wisdom and mercy and dancing at the blowing of the breeze in the hands of the branches  like innocent children. See the just balance within the wise order expressed through the tongue of the  leaves becoming green at a generous hand, through that of the flowers smiling with the joy of a favour  received, and through the words of the fruits laughing through a manifestation of mercy. See the careful arts and embroideries within the balance demonstrating justice; and the mercy within the skilful embroideries and adornment; and the various sweet tastes and delightful scents, which indicate mercy and bestowal; and the seeds, each of which is a miracle of power within the agreeable tastes: all these point in most clear fashion to the necessary existence and unity  of  an  All-Wise,  Generous,  Compassionate,  Beneficent,  Bountiful  Maker,  a Bestower of Beauty and Favours, to the beauty of  His mercy and perfection of His dominicality.
Come, now  look  carefully at a  tree! See its  delicate  mouth within  the orderly emergence of the leaves in spring, and the blossoms opening in a measured manner, and the fruits swelling with wisdom and mercy and dancing at the blowing of the breeze in the hands of the branches  like innocent children. See the just balance within the wise order expressed through the tongue of the  leaves becoming green at a generous hand, through that of the flowers smiling with the joy of a favour  received, and through the words of the fruits laughing through a manifestation of mercy. See the careful arts and embroideries within the balance demonstrating justice; and the mercy within the skilful embroideries and adornment; and the various sweet tastes and delightful scents, which indicate mercy and bestowal; and the seeds, each of which is a miracle of power within the agreeable tastes: all these point in most clear fashion to the necessary existence and unity  of  an  All-Wise,  Generous,  Compassionate,  Beneficent,  Bountiful  Maker,  a Bestower of Beauty and Favours, to the beauty of  His mercy and perfection of His dominicality.

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Thus, if you can listen at the same time to the tongues of disposition of all the trees on the earth, you will see and understand what exquisite jewels are to be found in the treasury of the verse: All that is in the heavens and on the earth extols God’s limitless glory.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 62:1; 64:1.</ref>)
İşte eğer bütün rûy-i zemindeki ağaçların lisan-ı hallerini birden dinleyebilsen   يُسَبِّحُ لِلّٰهِ مَا فِى السَّمٰوَاتِ وَمَا فِى ال۟اَر۟ضِ      hazinesinde ne kadar güzel cevherler bulunduğunu göreceksin, anlayacaksın.

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O you unhappy heedless one who supposes himself to be  free  through  his ingratitude! If the All-Generous One of Beauty, Who makes Himself known to you and loved by you through these innumerable tongues had not wanted you to know Him, He would have silenced them. Since they have not been silenced, they should be heeded. You cannot be saved by closing your ears in heedlessness. For the universe does not fall silent at you stopping up your ears, the beings within it will not be silent, the witnesses to Divine unity will not hold their tongues. And for sure, they will condemn you...
İşte ey nankörlük içinde kendini başıboş zanneden bedbaht gafil! Bu derece hadsiz lisanlarla kendini sana tanıttıran ve bildiren ve sevdiren bir Kerîm-i Zülcemal, tanımak istenilmezse bu lisanları susturmalı. Mademki susturulmaz, dinlemeli. Gafletle kulağını kapasan kurtulamazsın. Çünkü sen kulağını kapamakla kâinat sükût etmez, mevcudat susmaz, vahdaniyet şahitleri seslerini kesmezler. Elbette seni mahkûm ederler.

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<span id="Yirminci_Pencere"></span>
== Yirminci Pencere ==
==Twentieth Window==
(*<ref>*The true meaning of this Twentieth Window occurred to my heart at one time in Arabic in this way: The sparkling of the light is through Your illuminating and making it known;
The rolling on of the ages is through Your despatching and employing them;
Glory be unto You, how mighty is Your rule!
The flowing forth of the rivers is through Your storing them up and subjugating them; The decorations of stones is through Your designing and fashioning them;
Glory be unto You, how sublime is Your wisdom!
The smiling of the flowers is through Your adorning and beautifying them; The embellishing of fruits is through Your bestowal and munificence; Glory be unto You, how beautiful is Your art!
The carolling of the birds is through Your making them speak and Your avail; The singing of the rain is through Your causing it to fall, Your bestowal;
Glory be unto You, how vast is Your Mercy!
The motion of the moons is through Your determining, Your planning, Your rotating them, Your illuminating them;
Glory be unto You, how brilliant Your proofs, how dazzling Your sovereignty!</ref>)

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So glory be to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 36:83.</ref>) * And there is nothing but its treasuries are with Us; but We only send it down in a measure defined. * And We send  forth the winds to fertilize [the plants], and We send down rain from the skies providing you  with water therewith,
(Hâşiye<ref>Haşiye: Şu Yirminci Pencerenin hakikati, bir zaman Arabî bir surette şöyle kalbe gelmişti:<br> تَلَئْـُلأُ الضِّيَاۤءِ مِنْ تَنْوِيرِكَ تَشْهِيرِكَ - تَمَوُّجُ اْلاِعْصَارِ مِنْ تَصْرِيفِكَ تَوْظِيفِكَ <br> سُبْحَانَكَ مَاۤ اَعْظَمَ سُلْطَانَكَ - تَفَجُّرُ اْلأَنْهَارِ مِنْ تَدْخِيرِكَ تَسْخِيرِكَ <br> تَزَيُّنُ اْلأَحْجَارِ مِنْ تَدْبِيرِكَ تَصْوِيرِكَ - سُبْحَانَكَ مَاۤ أَبْدَعَ حِكْمَتَكَ <br> تَبَسُّمُ اْلأَزْهَارِ مِنْ تَزْيِينِكَ تَحْسِينِكَ - تَبَرُّجُ اْلأَثْمَارِ مِنْ اِنْعَامِكَ اِكْرَامِكَ <br> سُبْحَانَكَ مَاۤ اَحْسَنَ صَنْعَتَكَ - تَسَجُّعُ اْلأَطْيَارِ مِنْ اِنْطَاقِكَ اِرْفَاقِكَ <br> تَهَزُّجُ اْلأَمْطَارِ مِنْ اِنْزَالِكَ اِفْضَالِكَ - سَبْحَانَكَ مَاۤ اَوْسَعَ رَحْمَتَكَ <br> تَحَرُّكُ اْلأَقْمَارِ مِنْ تَقْدِيرِكَ تَدْبِيرِكَ تَدْوِيرِكَ تَنْوِيرِكَ <br> سُبْحَانَكَ مَاۤ أَنْوَرَ بُرْهَانَكَ وأَبْهَرَ سُلْطَانَكَ</ref>)
فَسُب۟حَانَ الَّذٖى بِيَدِهٖ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَى۟ءٍ 

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and you are not the keepers of its stores.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 15:21-2.</ref>)
وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا عِن۟دَنَا خَزَٓائِنُهُ وَمَا نُنَزِّلُهُٓ اِلَّا بِقَدَرٍ مَع۟لُومٍ 
وَ اَر۟سَل۟نَا الرِّيَاحَ لَوَاقِحَ فَاَن۟زَل۟نَا مِنَ السَّمَٓاءِ مَٓاءً فَاَس۟قَي۟نَاكُمُوهُ وَ مَٓا اَن۟تُم۟ لَهُ بِخَازِنٖينَ

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Just as perfect wisdom and beauty of art are apparent in particulars and results and in details,  so  do  the  universal elements and  large  creatures  take  up  their  positions  in accordance with wisdom and  art, despite their apparently being mixed up together by chance  without  order.
Nasıl cüz’iyat ve neticelerde ve teferruatta kemal-i hikmet ve cemal-i sanat görünüyor. Öyle de tesadüfî ve karışık tevehhüm edilen küllî unsurların, büyük mahlukatın zâhiren karışık vaziyetleri dahi bir hikmet ve sanat ile vaziyetler alıyorlar.

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Thus, as its other wise duties show, light shines in order to proclaim and make known the Divine creatures on the face of the earth, with the permission of its Sustainer. This means that light is employed by a Wise Maker; by means of it, He makes manifest His antique works of art in the exhibitions of the market of this world.
İşte ziyanın parlaması, sair hikmetli hidematının delâletiyle, yeryüzünde masnuat-ı İlahiyeyi izn-i Rabbanî ile teşhir ve ilan etmektir. Demek, bir Sâni’-i Hakîm tarafından ziya istihdam ediliyor. Çarşı-yı âlem sergilerindeki antika sanatlarını onun ile irae ediyor.

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