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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"So now, O stupefied denier! How can you explain this? With ‘nature’, which is unconscious, impotent, and ignorant like you? Or do you want to make an infinite mistake and call that All-Holy Maker ‘nature’, and on the pretext of naming Him that, attribute the miracles of His power to it and perpetrate an impossibility compounded a thousand times over?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("According to the meaning of: And there is nothing but extols His limitless glory and praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:44.</ref>)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("So now, O stupefied denier! How can you explain this? With ‘nature’, which is unconscious, impotent, and ignorant like you? Or do you want to make an infinite mistake and call that All-Holy Maker ‘nature’, and on the pretext of naming Him that, attribute the miracles of His power to it and perpetrate an impossibility compounded a thousand times over?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
307. satır: 307. satır:
Now consider the flowers and fruits! Their smiles, tastes, beauties, embroideries, and scents are all like invitations to and menus for the table of a Most Munificent Maker, an All-Compassionate  Bestower  of  Bounties;  they  are  given  as  various  menus  and invitations to each species of beings through their different colours, scents, and tastes.
Now consider the flowers and fruits! Their smiles, tastes, beauties, embroideries, and scents are all like invitations to and menus for the table of a Most Munificent Maker, an All-Compassionate  Bestower  of  Bounties;  they  are  given  as  various  menus  and invitations to each species of beings through their different colours, scents, and tastes.

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Now consider the birds! A certain indication that their twittering and chirruping is an All-Wise Maker’s causing them to speak is the astonishing way in which they express their feelings to one another with those sounds, and state their intentions.
Şimdi kuşlara bak! Onların söyleşmeleri ve cıvıldaşmaları, bir Sâni’-i Hakîm’in intak ve söyletmesi olduğuna delil-i kat’î ise hayret verir bir tarzda birbirine o seslerle müdavele-i hissiyat ve ifade-i maksat etmeleridir.

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Now consider the clouds! A definite indication that the pattering of the rain is not a meaningless sound and that the crashing of thunder and lightning is not a futile din is that those strange beings are created in empty space. Also drops of rain like the water of life are milked from  the clouds, suckling the living creatures on the earth so needy and longing for them. These facts show that the pattering and crashing are most meaningful and full of wisdom. For at the command of a Most Generous Sustainer, the rain calls out to those longing for it: “Good news! We are coming!” They express this meaning.
Şimdi bulutlara bak! Yağmurun şıpıltıları, manasız bir ses olmadığına ve şimşek ile gök gürlemesi, boş bir gürültü olmadığına kat’î delil ise hâlî bir boşlukta o acayibi icad etmek ve onlardan âb-ı hayat hükmündeki damlaları sağmak ve zemin yüzündeki muhtaç ve müştak zîhayatlara emzirmek, gösteriyor ki o şırıltı, o gürültü gayet manidar ve hikmettardır ki bir Rabb-i Kerîm’in emriyle, müştaklara o yağmur bağırıyor ki “Sizlere müjde, geliyoruz!” manasını ifade ederler.

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Now look at the sky and consider carefully only the moon out of all the innumerable bodies within it! That its motion is at the command of an All-Powerful and Wise One is demonstrated by the important  instances of wisdom connected to it and concerning the earth. Since we have explained these in other places in the Risale-i Nur, we cut this short here.
Şimdi göğe bak! Gök içinde hadsiz ecramdan yalnız kamere dikkat et! Onun hareketi, bir Kadîr-i Hakîm’in emriyle olduğu, ona müteallik ve yeryüzüne ait mühim hikmetlerdir ki başka yerde beyan ettiğimizden kısa kesiyoruz.

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