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Onuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Then, taking advantage of his ingenuousness, ‘the worldly’ said to him: “They are going to interfere in Hâfız’s – one of the scribes of the Words – wearing a turban. He should also temporarily stop making the call to prayer secretly. You tell the scribe to take off his turban before they remove it by force.” They did not know that it was extremely difficult for someone with a lofty spirit like Mustafa Çavuş to tell someone else employed..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("On the Day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it has done, and all the evil it has done, it willø wish there were a great distance between it and its evil. But God cautions you [to remember] Himself. And God is full of kindness to those who serve Him.(3:30) One meaning of the above verse is to be expounded and explained by the blows dealt by divine compassion that my comrades in the service of the Qur’an receive for mistakes they mak..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Then, taking advantage of his ingenuousness, ‘the worldly’ said to him: “They are going to interfere in Hâfız’s – one of the scribes of the Words – wearing a turban. He should also temporarily stop making the call to prayer secretly. You tell the scribe to take off his turban before they remove it by force.” They did not know that it was extremely difficult for someone with a lofty spirit like Mustafa Çavuş to tell someone else employed..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
88. satır: 88. satır:
This is Seyrani. Like Husrev, he was one of my students who was enthusiastic about the Risale-i Nur and had a good understanding of it. I consulted my students in Isparta about the ‘coincidences,’ which are a key to the mysteries of the Qur’an and to the science of jafr. They responded and took part eagerly, but because Seyrani had other ideas and points of interest,  he did not respond, and in addition wanted me to give  up  the  truth  I  knew  to  be  certain.  He  wrote  me  a  letter  that  upset  me considerably. I said: “Alas! I have lost this student.” Certainly I wanted to enlighten his ideas, but a further meaning confused matters. He  received  a blow from divine compassion: he remained for nearly a year in a place of seclusion (that is, in prison).
This is Seyrani. Like Husrev, he was one of my students who was enthusiastic about the Risale-i Nur and had a good understanding of it. I consulted my students in Isparta about the ‘coincidences,’ which are a key to the mysteries of the Qur’an and to the science of jafr. They responded and took part eagerly, but because Seyrani had other ideas and points of interest,  he did not respond, and in addition wanted me to give  up  the  truth  I  knew  to  be  certain.  He  wrote  me  a  letter  that  upset  me considerably. I said: “Alas! I have lost this student.” Certainly I wanted to enlighten his ideas, but a further meaning confused matters. He  received  a blow from divine compassion: he remained for nearly a year in a place of seclusion (that is, in prison).

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This is the Hâfız Zühtü the Elder. At a time he was as though supervising the Risale-i  Nur students in Ağrus, not considering the students’ spiritual honour to be sufficient – although they had made it their way to follow the practices of the Prophet (UWBP) and avoid innovations – he took it on himself to teach a serious innovation in the hope of increasing his standing in the eyes of ‘the worldly.’ He perpetrated an error that was diametrically opposed to our way. He received an awesome slap from divine  compassion. An  incident  occurred  that  completely  destroyed  his  family’s honour. Unfortunately, Hâfız Zühtü the Younger was  also affected by the grievous incident although he was not deserving of any slap. But God willing it will act as a beneficial surgical operation delivering his heart from worldly attachment and making it over totally to the Qur’an.
Büyük Hâfız Zühdü’dür. Bu zat, Ağrus’taki Nur talebelerinin başında nâzırları hükmünde olduğu bir zaman, sünnet-i seniyeye ittiba ve bid’alardan içtinabı meslek ittihaz eden talebelerin manevî şerefini kâfi görmeyerek ve ehl-i dünyanın nazarında bir mevki kazanmak emeliyle mühim bir bid’anın muallimliğini deruhte etti. Tamamıyla mesleğimize zıt bir hata işledi. Pek müthiş bir şefkat tokadını yedi. Hanedanının şerefini zîr ü zeber edecek bir hâdiseye maruz kaldı. Fakat maatteessüf Küçük Hâfız Zühdü, hiç tokada istihkakı yokken, o elîm hâdise ona da temas etti. Belki inşâallah o hâdise, onun kalbini dünyadan kurtarıp tamamıyla Kur’an’a vermek için bir ameliyat-ı cerrahiye-i nâfia hükmüne geçer.

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This is someone called Hâfız Ahmed (May God have mercy on him). For two or three  years he wrote out the treatises in encouraging fashion and he benefited from them. Then  ‘the  worldly’  took  advantage  of  a  weak  trait  in  his  character. His enthusiam was  dampened. He had relations with ‘the worldly,’ perhaps so that he would avoid being harmed by them and have some say with them, and win some sort of  position,  and  make  his  scant  livelihood  more  plentiful. But  in  return  for  the slackness and harm that was thus caused to his service of the Qur’an, he received two blows. One was that he had to support five more people with his scant means, and his situation became truly wretched. The second slap: as someone who was sensitive in regard  to  honour  and  self-respect  and  could  not  brook  anyone’s  criticism  or objections, he was unknowingly used as a shield by some cunning people in such a way that his honour was sullied. Ninety per cent of his honour was  destroyed and ninety per  cent  of  people  were  turned  against  him. May God  forgive  him!  God willing, he will come to his senses and return in part to his duty.
Hâfız Ahmed (rh) namında bir adamdır. Bu zat, risalelerin yazmasında iki üç sene teşvikkârane bir surette bulunuyordu ve istifade ediyordu. Sonra ehl-i dünya, zayıf bir damarından istifade etti. O şevk zedelendi. Ehl-i dünyaya temas etti. Belki o cihetle ehl-i dünyanın zararını görmesin hem onlara sözünü geçirsin ve bir nevi mevki kazansın ve dar olan maişetine bir suhulet olsun. İşte hizmet-i Kur’aniyeye o suretle, o yüzden gelen fütur ve zarara mukabil iki tokat yedi. Biri: Dar maişetiyle beraber beş nüfus daha ilâve edildi, perişaniyeti ehemmiyet kesbetti. İkinci tokat: Şeref ve haysiyet noktasında hassas ve hattâ bir tek adamın tenkit ve itirazını çekemeyen o zat, bilmeyerek bazı dessas insanlar onu öyle bir surette kendilerine perde ettiler ki şerefi zîr ü zeber oldu, yüzde doksanını kaybetti ve yüzde doksan adamı aleyhine çevirdi. Her ne ise… Allah affetsin, belki inşâallah bundan intibaha gelir, yine kısmen vazifesine döner.

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This was not written since perhaps he would not agree.
Belki rızası yok diye yazılmadı.

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<span id="ON_İKİNCİSİ"></span>

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This is the teacher, Galib (May God have mercy on him). Yes, he performed great  services loyally and appreciatively in writing out final drafts of the treatises, displaying no weakness in the face of any difficulties. Most days he would come, and listening eagerly, copy them down. Then in return for a fee of thirty liras he had the whole of The Words and  Letters  written out. His aim was to distribute them in his native region and to enlighten the people there. But due to certain ideas, he did not distribute the treatises as he had envisaged  and left them in their box. Suddenly a grievous event  occurred  due to  which  he suffered  distress  for  a  year. He  gained numerous unjust, tyrannical enemies in place of a handful of  official enemies who would have been inimical just because he had distributed the treatises, and lost some of his friends.
Muallim Galib’dir (rh). Evet bu zat, sadıkane ve takdirkârane, risalelerin tebyizinde çok hizmet etti ve hiçbir müşkülat karşısında zaaf göstermedi. Ekser günlerde geliyordu, kemal-i şevk ile dinliyordu ve istinsah ediyordu. Sonra kendine, otuz lira ücret mukabilinde umum Sözler’i ve Mektubat’ı yazdırdı. Onun maksadı, memleketinde neşretmek ve hem hemşehrilerini tenvir etmek idi. Sonra bazı düşünceler neticesinde risaleleri tasavvur ettiği gibi neşretmedi, sandığa bıraktı. Birden elîm bir hâdise yüzünden bir sene gam ve gussa çekti. Risalelerin neşri ile ona adâvet edecek resmî birkaç düşmanlara bedel; zalim, insafsız çok düşmanları buldu; bir kısım dostlarını kaybetti.

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This is Hâfız Halid(*<ref>*A teacher by profession, Hafız Halid Tekin was a native of Barla. He was one of
Hâfız Hâlid’dir (rh). Kendisi der: Evet itiraf ediyorum, Üstadımın hizmet-i Kur’aniyede neşrettiği âsârın tesvidinde hararetli bir surette bulunduğum zaman mahallemizde bir cami imamlığı vardı. Eski kisve-i ilmiyemi, sarığı bağlamak niyetiyle muvakkaten o hizmete fütur verip, bilmeyerek çekildim. Maksadımın aksiyle şefkatli bir tokat yedim. Sekiz dokuz ay imamlık ettiğim halde, müftünün çok vaadlerine rağmen, fevkalâde bir surette sarığı saramadım. Şüphemiz kalmadı ki o kusurdan bu şefkatli tokat geldi. Ben Üstadımın hem bir muhatabı hem bir müsevvidi idim. Benim çekilmem ile tesvid hususunda sıkıntı çekmişti. Her ne ise… Yine şükür ki kusurumuzu anladık ve bu hizmetin de ne kadar kudsî olduğunu bildik ve Şah-ı Geylanî gibi arkamızda melek-i sıyanet gibi bir Üstad bulunduğuna itimat ettik.
Bediuzzaman’s close students there, also acting as his scribe. (Tr.)</ref>) (May God grant him mercy). He said: “Yes, I confess that I was feverishly engaged in writing out rough drafts of the works  my Master disseminated in serving the Qur’an, when the post of imam in a mosque in our quarter became available. With the intention of dressing once again in my former  robe and  wearing the turban, I temporarily neglected  my service and avoided doing it.I received a compassionate slap contrary to my intentions. Although for eight or nine months I acted as imam, extraordinarily I was unable to wear the turban, despite  the repeated  promises of the Mufti.I have no doubt that  this compassionate slap was the result of my error. I was both someone addressed by my Master, and was his scribe of rough drafts. He suffered difficulties due to my neglect. In any event... Still, thanks be to God, we realized my error and understood just how sacred this service is. We were confident that  we had  behind  us a  Master  like a protecting angel, like Shah Geylani.

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“The weakest of God’s servants,

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'''Hâfız Hâlid'''
'''Hâfız Hâlid'''

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This consists of the three small slaps the three Mustafa’s received.
Üç Mustafa’nın küçücük “üç tokat” yemeleridir.

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'''The First:''' For eight years Mustafa Çavuş (May God grant him mercy) attended to our  small private mosque, and saw to its stove, paraffin, and even the matches. I learnt later that for the eight years he provided for the paraffin and matches out of his own pocket. On the night before Friday in particular he would join the congregation as long as there was no other essential matter to attend to.
'''Birincisi:''' Mustafa Çavuş (rh) sekiz senedir bizim hususi küçük camiye hem sobasına hem gaz yağına hem kibritine kadar hizmet ediyordu. Hattâ gaz yağını ve kibritini sekiz senedir kendi kesesinden sarf ettiğini sonra öğrendik. Cemaate, hususan cuma gecelerinde gayet zarurî bir iş olmayınca geri kalmıyordu.

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Then, taking advantage of his ingenuousness, ‘the worldly’ said to him: “They are going to interfere in Hâfız’s – one of the scribes of the Words – wearing a turban. He should also temporarily stop making the call to prayer secretly. You tell the scribe to take off his turban before they remove it by force.” They did not know that it was extremely difficult for someone with a lofty spirit like Mustafa Çavuş to tell someone else employed in service of the Qur’an to remove his turban. But he told him what they had said.
Sonra ehl-i dünya onun safvet-i kalbinden istifade ederek dediler ki: “Sözler’in bir kâtibi olan Hâfız’ın sarığına ilişecekler. Hem gizli ezan, muvakkaten terk edilsin. Sen kâtibe söyle, cebir görmeden evvel sarığı çıkarsın.” O bilmiyordu ki hizmet-i Kur’aniyede bulunan birisinin sarığını çıkarmaya dair sözü tebliğ etmek, Mustafa Çavuş gibi yüksek ruhlulara pek ağırdır. Onların sözlerini tebliğ etmiş.

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That night I dreamt that Mustafa Çavuş came to my room with dirty hands behind the  Kaymakam. I asked him the following day: “Mustafa Çavuş, who did you see today? I dreamt of you with dirty hands behind the Kaymakam.” He replied: “Alas! The village headman told me to ‘tell the scribe.’ I didn’t know what was behind it.”
O gece rüyada ben görüyordum ki Mustafa Çavuş’un elleri kirli, kaymakam arkasında olarak odama geldi. İkinci gün ona dedim: “Mustafa Çavuş, sen bugün kim ile görüştün? Seni elin mülevves bir surette kaymakamın arkasında gördüm.” Dedi: “Eyvah! Bana böyle bir söz, muhtar söyledi, kâtibe söyle. Ben arkasında ne olduğunu bilmedim.”

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Also, that same day he brought almost an okka(*<ref>*An okka was the equivalent of 2.9 lbs. (Tr.)</ref>) of paraffin to the mosque. In a way he had never done before, he left the door open and a kitten entered. Then a big man came, and supposing the paraffin in the ewer to be water, sprinkled it all around the mosque, in order to clean it and the mess left by the kitten on the prayer-mat. It is extraordinary that he did not smell the paraffin. That is to say, the mosque did not allow the man to smell it, in order to tell Mustafa Çavuş through the tongue of disposition: “We don’t need your paraffin. I haven’t accepted it because  of  the  mistake  you  made.”
Hem aynı günde bir okkaya yakın gaz yağını camiye getirmiş. Hiç vuku bulmayan, o gün kapı açık kalmış, bir keçi yavrusu içeriye girmiş, büyük bir adam gelmiş, keçi yavrusunun seccademe yakın bıraktığı muzahrefatı yıkamak için ibrikteki gaz yağını su zannedip bütün o gaz yağını temizlik yapıyorum diye caminin her tarafına serpmiş. Acayiptir ki kokusunu duymamış. Demek, o mescid lisan-ı hal ile Mustafa Çavuş’a diyor: “Senin gaz yağın bize lâzım değil. Ettiğin hata için gaz yağını kabul etmedim.” diye işaret vermek için o adama koku işittirilmedi.

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That  week  on  the  eve  of  Friday  and  other important prayers, even, he was unable to join the congregation, although he tried to. Then he repented earnestly and asked forgiveness, and he regained his purity of heart.
Hattâ o hafta içinde cuma gecesinde ve birkaç mühim namazda, o kadar çalıştığı halde cemaate yetişemiyordu. '''Sonra ciddi bir nedamet, bir istiğfar ettikten sonra safvet-i asliyesini buldu.'''

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'''The Second Mustafa’s:''' These  are  my  worthy,  hard-working, and  important student  Mustafa from  Kuleönü,  and  his  most  loyal,  self-sacrificing  friend,  Hâfız Mustafa (May God grant him mercy). After the religious festival I sent word telling them not to come lest ‘the worldly’ bother us and discourage us in our service of the Qur’an, but if they had to  come, they should come singly. Then one night, three of them came all together. They intended to leave before dawn. In a way that had never happened  before,  neither  Mustafa Çavuş,  nor  Süleyman Efendi, nor  myself,  nor themselves, had thought of taking any clear precautions; we were made to forget to do so. Each of us left it to the others and took no measures. They left before dawn. Then for two hours they were pounded by such a storm that  I was alarmed thinking that they would not survive it. This winter there had been no such storm, nor had I pitied anyone  so  much. As  a punishment  for his  lack of caution, I  was  going  to  send Süleyman after them to find out if they were well and safe. Mustafa Çavuş said: “If he goes, he will be stranded too, and I’ll have to go after him to find him. Then Abdullah Çavuş will have to come after me.” So saying: “We place our trust in God!” we waited.
'''İkinci Mustafalar:''' Kuleönü’ndeki kıymettar, çalışkan mühim bir talebem olan Mustafa ile onun çok sadık ve fedakâr arkadaşı Hâfız Mustafa’dır (r.aleyhima). Ben bayramdan sonra, ehl-i dünya bize sıkıntı verip hizmet-i Kur’aniyeye fütur vermemek için şimdilik gelmesinler diye haber göndermiştim. Şayet gelecek olurlarsa birer birer gelsinler. Halbuki bunlar üç adam birden, bir gece geldiler. Fecirden evvel hava müsait ise gitmek niyet edildi. Hiç vuku bulmadığı bir tarzda hem Mustafa Çavuş hem Süleyman Efendi hem ben hem onlar, zâhir bir tedbiri düşünemedik, bize unutturuldu. Her birimiz ötekine bırakıp ihtiyatsızlık etti. Onlar fecirden evvel gittiler. Öyle bir fırtına onları iki saat mütemadiyen tokatladı ki bu fırtınadan kurtulmayacaklar diye telaş ettim. Şimdiye kadar bu kışta ne öyle bir fırtına olmuş ve ne de bu kadar kimseye acımıştım. Sonra Süleyman’ı, ihtiyatsızlığının cezası olarak arkalarından gönderip sıhhat ve selâmetlerini anlamak için gönderecektim. Mustafa Çavuş dedi: “O gitse o da kalacak. Ben de onun arkasından gidip aramak lâzım. Benim arkamdan da Abdullah Çavuş gelmek lâzım.” Bu hususta “Tevekkelnâ alallah” dedik, intizar ettik.

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'''Question:''' You consider the calamities visited on your special friends to be slaps;  punishment for laxity in their service of the Qur’an. Whereas those that are truly inimical to you and to the service of the Qur’an remain safe and sound. Why are friends dealt slaps while enemies are left untroubled?
'''Sual:''' Has dostlarınıza gelen musibetleri, tokat eseri deyip hizmet-i Kur’aniyede füturları cihetinde bir itab telakki ediyorsun. Halbuki size ve hizmet-i Kur’aniyeye hakiki düşmanlık edenler, selâmette kalıyorlar. Neden dosta tokat vuruluyor, düşmana ilişilmiyor?

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'''The Answer:''' According to, “Wrongdoing does not continue, but unbelief does,”(*<ref>*al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, ii, 107.</ref>) friends’ errors are wrongdoing of a sort in this service of the Qur’an, and therefore are  swiftly punished. A person receives a compassionate slap and if he is sensible, realizes his error. But enemies oppose this service and try to prevent it on account of misguidance. Knowingly or unknowingly, their  aggression  against  our  service  assists  atheism.Since  unbelief persists, generally they do not receive any blows immediately.
'''Elcevap:''' اَلظُّل۟مُ لَا يَدُومُ وَال۟كُف۟رُ يَدُومُ sırrınca dostların hataları, hizmetimizde bir nevi zulüm hükmüne geçtiği için çabuk çarpılıyor. Şefkatli tokat yer, aklı varsa intibaha gelir. Düşman ise hizmet-i Kur’aniyeye zıddiyeti, mümanaatı, dalalet hesabına geçer. Bilerek veya bilmeyerek hizmetimize tecavüzü, zındıka hesabına geçer. Küfür devam ettiği için onlar ekseriyetle çabuk tokat yemiyorlar.

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Just as the penalties of those perpetrating small crimes are delivered locally and serious  crimes are sent to the high courts, so too, according to the rules,
Nasıl ki küçük kabahatleri işleyenlerin, nahiyelerde cezaları verilir. Büyük kabahatleri de büyük mahkemelere gönderilir.

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the small errors of believers and close friends are punished swiftly and in part in this world, in order to quickly purify them.
Öyle de ehl-i imanın ve has dostların hükmen küçük hataları, çabuk onları temizlemek için kısmen dünyada ve süraten verilir.

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But the crimes of the people of misguidance are so great that since their punishments exceed this brief worldly life, as required by justice they are referred to the Supreme Tribunal in the  eternal realm, and mostly they do not receive any punishment here.
Ehl-i dalaletin cinayetleri, o kadar büyüktür ki kısacık hayat-ı dünyeviyeye cezaları sığışmadığından, mukteza-yı adalet olarak âlem-i bekadaki mahkeme-i kübraya havale edildiği için ekseriyetle burada cezaya çarpılmıyorlar.

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The Hadith “This world is the prison of the believers and the Paradise of the unbelievers”(*<ref>*Muslim, Zuhd, 3; Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 16; Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 3; Musnad, ii, 197, 323, 389, 485.</ref>) alludes to this truth. That is to say, because the believer receives partial punishment for his faults in this world, it is a place of punishment for him. It is a dungeon  and  Hell  in  relation  to  his  happiness in  the  hereafter.
İşte hadîs-i şerifte اَلدُّن۟يَا سِج۟نُ ال۟مُؤ۟مِنِ وَجَنَّةُ ال۟كَافِرِ mezkûr hakikate dahi işaret ediyor. Yani dünyada şu mü’min, kısmen kusuratından cezasını gördüğü için dünya onun hakkında bir dâr-ı cezadır. Dünya, onların saadetli âhiretlerine nisbeten bir zindan ve cehennemdir.

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And  since  the unbelievers will not be released from Hell and they in part receive the rewards for their good works in this world and their large sins are postponed, this world is their Paradise in relation  to their life in the hereafter.
Ve kâfirler madem cehennemden çıkmayacaklar. Hasenatlarının mükâfatlarını kısmen dünyada gördükleri ve büyük seyyiatları tehir edildiği cihetle, onların âhiretine nisbeten dünya, cennetleridir.

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For in reality and in meaning the believer is also far happier in this world than the unbeliever. A believer’s faith is quite simply like a Paradise in his spirit; while the unbeliever’s unbelief sets afire a sort of Hell in his being.
Yoksa mü’min bu dünyada dahi kâfirden manen ve hakikat nokta-i nazarında çok ziyade mesuddur. Âdeta mü’minin imanı, mü’minin ruhunda bir cennet-i maneviye hükmüne geçiyor; kâfirin küfrü, kâfirin mahiyetinde manevî bir cehennemi ateşlendiriyor.

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