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"'''Fourthly:''' Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being, the macroanthropos. Small man is an index and summary of the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For example, the existence of man’s faculty of memory is a certain indication of the existence of the Preserved Tablet in the world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent intermediaries a screen to apparent evils and defects, so that objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illn..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Fourthly:''' Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being, the macroanthropos. Small man is an index and summary of the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For example, the existence of man’s faculty of memory is a certain indication of the existence of the Preserved Tablet in the world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
224. satır: 224. satır:
since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent  intermediaries a screen to apparent evils  and  defects, so that objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illness a screen to the appointed hour of death in order to save Azra’il from the complaints(*<ref>*See, Abu Nu’aym, Hilya al-Awliya’, v, 51; al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir al-Usul, i, 177-8; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, vi, 543.</ref>)of His servants who die, so too He made Azra’il a screen to the seizing of the spirits of the dying so that the complaints at that situation, which is  fancied to be lacking in compassion, should not be directed at Almighty God.
since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent  intermediaries a screen to apparent evils  and  defects, so that objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illness a screen to the appointed hour of death in order to save Azra’il from the complaints(*<ref>*See, Abu Nu’aym, Hilya al-Awliya’, v, 51; al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir al-Usul, i, 177-8; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, vi, 543.</ref>)of His servants who die, so too He made Azra’il a screen to the seizing of the spirits of the dying so that the complaints at that situation, which is  fancied to be lacking in compassion, should not be directed at Almighty God.

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And even more certainly, dominical wisdom demanded the existence of Satan, so that objections and  criticisms in the face of evils and bad things should not be directed at the All-Glorious Creator.
Öyle de daha ziyade bir kat’iyetle '''şerlerden ve fenalıklardan gelen itiraz ve tenkit, Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’e teveccüh etmemek için hikmet-i Rabbaniye, şeytanın vücudunu iktiza etmiştir.'''

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'''Fourthly:''' Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being,  the  macroanthropos. Small man is an  index and summary of  the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For example, the existence of man’s faculty of memory is a certain indication of the existence  of the  Preserved  Tablet  in  the  world.
'''Râbian:''' İnsan küçük bir âlem olduğu gibi âlem dahi büyük bir insandır. Bu küçük insan, o büyük insanın bir fihristesi ve hülâsasıdır. İnsanda bulunan numunelerin büyük asılları, insan-ı ekberde bizzarure bulunacaktır. Mesela, nasıl ki insanda kuvve-i hâfızanın vücudu, âlemde Levh-i Mahfuz’un vücuduna kat’î delildir.

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So  too everyone has experienced in himself the inner faculty situated in a corner of the heart which is the means to diabolical suggestions(*<ref>*See, Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura 35:2; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 305; al-Bazzar, al-Musnad, v, 394; Abu Ya’la, al-Musnad, vii, 278; viii, 417.</ref>) and temptations and is a satanic tongue that speaks at the promptings of the surmising faculty and the corrupted power of imagination, which becomes like a small Satan and acts contrary to its owner’s will and opposed to his desires – these are certain evidences of the existence of great satans in the world.
Öyle de insanda kalbin bir köşesinde lümme-i şeytaniye denilen bir âlet-i vesvese ve kuvve-i vâhimenin telkinatıyla konuşan bir şeytanî lisan ve ifsad edilen kuvve-i vâhime, küçük bir şeytan hükmüne geçtiğini ve sahiplerinin ihtiyarına zıt ve arzusuna muhalif hareket ettiklerini hissen ve hadsen herkes nefsinde görmesi, âlemde büyük şeytanların vücuduna kat’î bir delildir.

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And since the inner faculty which is the means of diabolical suggestions and the power of imagination are an ear and a  tongue, they infer the existence of an external evil individual who blows on the one and makes the other speak.
Ve bu lümme-i şeytaniye ve şu kuvve-i vâhime, bir kulak ve bir dil olduklarından, ona üfleyen ve bunu konuşturan haricî bir şahs-ı şerirenin vücudunu ihsas ederler.

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