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On Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, since good deeds and actions pertain to existence, man’s will and wishes cannot be the direct cause of their existence. Man cannot be the true agent in such acts. Also, his evil-commanding soul does not tend towards good deeds; it is divine mercy that requires them and dominical power that creates them. Man can only lay claim to them through belief, a wish, or an intention. And having claimed them, such good works consist of thanks for the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("He therefore displayed miracles from time to time, in answer to need, solely to make them affirm his claim to prophethood and to nullify the unbelievers’ denial. At other times he obeyed the divine commands more than anyone, and more than everyone acted in conformity with the divine laws in creation, established through dominical wisdom and will, and submitted to them. He used to wear armour when confronting the enemy,(*<ref>*See, Abu Da’ud,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, since good deeds and actions pertain to existence, man’s will and wishes cannot be the direct cause of their existence. Man cannot be the true agent in such acts. Also, his evil-commanding soul does not tend towards good deeds; it is divine mercy that requires them and dominical power that creates them. Man can only lay claim to them through belief, a wish, or an intention. And having claimed them, such good works consist of thanks for the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
298. satır: 298. satır:
While with its implied meaning, it  says: “The  heavens and  earth weep  over the bodies of the people of guidance when they die; they do  not want them to depart.” For all the universe is connected with the people of belief and its beings are happy with them. For by virtue of their belief they know the Creator of the  Universe, so appreciate the universe’s value, and respect and love it. They do not nurture implicit enmity and contempt for it like the people of misguidance.
While with its implied meaning, it  says: “The  heavens and  earth weep  over the bodies of the people of guidance when they die; they do  not want them to depart.” For all the universe is connected with the people of belief and its beings are happy with them. For by virtue of their belief they know the Creator of the  Universe, so appreciate the universe’s value, and respect and love it. They do not nurture implicit enmity and contempt for it like the people of misguidance.

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O man, think! You are bound to die. If you follow your soul and Satan, your neighbours, and even your relations, will be happy at being delivered from you. But if saying, “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed,” you follow the Qur’an and the  Merciful  One’s  Beloved  (UWBP),  then  in  accordance  with  your  degree  the heavens and earth and all beings will be sorry at your parting, and in effect weep. Mourning in elevated fashion and  giving you a splendid send-off, they will indicate that you will have a good welcome in the world of eternity according to your degree, when you enter it through the door of the grave.(*<ref>*See, Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 26 (2460); Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 31; Musnad, ii, 364; vi, 140.</ref>)
Ey insan, düşün! Sen alâküllihal öleceksin. Eğer nefis ve şeytana tabi isen senin komşuların, belki akrabaların senin şerrinden kurtulmak için mesrur olacaklar. Eğer اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّي۟طَانِ الرَّجٖيمِ deyip Kur’an’a ve Habib-i Rahman’a tabi isen o vakit semavat ve arz ve mevcudat, herkesin derecesine nisbeten, senin derecene göre senin firakından müteessir olup manen ağlarlar. Ulvi bir matem ile ve haşmetli bir teşyi ile kabir kapısıyla girdiğin beka âleminde senin derecene nisbeten senin için bir hüsn-ü istikbal var olduğuna işaret ederler.

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<span id="On_Üçüncü_İşaret"></span>
== On Üçüncü İşaret ==

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This consists of three points.
Üç noktadır.

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<span id="Birinci_Nokta:"></span>
=== Birinci Nokta: ===
===First Point:===

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