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On Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"This consists of three points." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("This consists of three points." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
315. satır: 315. satır:
'''The First Way:''' It is possible that  despite its  wondrous immensity, such an astonishing work comes about through wondrous art in a wondrous way. So this first way is that the universe exists through the dominicality, will, and power of a Single and  Eternally Besought  One, to  whose existence are witnesses to the number of beings, indeed, of minute particles.
'''The First Way:''' It is possible that  despite its  wondrous immensity, such an astonishing work comes about through wondrous art in a wondrous way. So this first way is that the universe exists through the dominicality, will, and power of a Single and  Eternally Besought  One, to  whose existence are witnesses to the number of beings, indeed, of minute particles.

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'''The Second Way:''' This is the way of unbelief and associating partners with God, which is in no way possible and is so difficult as to be impossible and is in no  respect reasonable. For as is proved decisively in many parts of the Risale-i Nur such as the Twentieth Letter and Twenty-Second Word, there would have to be present in all the beings in the universe and even in every single particle absolute divinity and all-encompassing knowledge and infinite power so that the total order and regularity, the  sensitive balance and distinction, and the perfect, adorned embroideries of art to be observed in beings could come into existence.
'''İkinci yol:''' Hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olmayan ve imtina derecesinde müşkülatlı ve hiçbir cihette makul olmayan şirk ve küfür yoludur. Çünkü Yirminci Mektup ve Yirmi İkinci Söz gibi çok risalelerde gayet kat’î ispat edildiği üzere: O vakit kâinatın her bir mevcudunda ve hattâ her bir zerresinde bir uluhiyet-i mutlaka ve bir ilm-i muhit ve hadsiz bir kudret bulunmak lâzım geliyor. Tâ ki mevcudatta bilmüşahede görünen nihayet derecede nizam ve intizam ve gayet hassas mizan ve imtiyaz ile mükemmel ve müzeyyen olan nukuş-u sanat vücud bulabilsin.

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'''In Short:'''  If there were no immense and  tremendous dominicality, which is completely appropriate and fitting, it would necessitate following a way that is in every respect unreasonable and precluded. Even Satan cannot propose fleeing from such necessary immensity, and suggest accepting impossibility.
Elhasıl, eğer tam lâyık ve tam yerinde olan azametli ve kibriyalı rububiyet olmazsa, o vakit her cihetçe gayr-ı makul ve mümteni bir yol takip etmek lâzım gelecek. Lâyık ve lâzım olan azametten kaçmakla, muhal ve imtinaa girmeyi, şeytan dahi teklif edemez.

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