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Kaynak sayfanın yeni sürümü ile eşleme için güncelleniyor
("------ <center> The Twenty-First Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Twenty-Third Word </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Kaynak sayfanın yeni sürümü ile eşleme için güncelleniyor)
413. satır: 413. satır:
This Twelfth Flash of the Twenty-Second Word is such an ocean of truths that all the previous twenty-two Words form only twenty-two drops of it, and it is a source of such lights that they form only twenty-two flashes of that Sun. Yes, all the previous twenty- two Words are flashes of the stars of the verses shining in the skies of the Qur’an; all are single  droplets  from  the  river  of  a  verse  flowing  from  that  ocean  of  discernment distinguishing truth and falsehood; each is but one pearl from a single of its verses, all of which are chests of jewels in the sublime treasury of God’s Book.
This Twelfth Flash of the Twenty-Second Word is such an ocean of truths that all the previous twenty-two Words form only twenty-two drops of it, and it is a source of such lights that they form only twenty-two flashes of that Sun. Yes, all the previous twenty- two Words are flashes of the stars of the verses shining in the skies of the Qur’an; all are single  droplets  from  the  river  of  a  verse  flowing  from  that  ocean  of  discernment distinguishing truth and falsehood; each is but one pearl from a single of its verses, all of which are chests of jewels in the sublime treasury of God’s Book.

Thus, the Word of God, which is in small part defined in the Fourteenth Droplet of the Nineteenth Word, has been revealed from the Greatest Name, the Sublime Throne, and the greatest manifestation of dominicality, and it repeatedly states with all its strength within a breadth and elevatedness that binds pre-eternity to post-eternity and ties the ground to the Divine Throne, and with the certainty of all its verses: There is no god but God!; it calls the whole universe to witness and makes it testify.
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Thus, the Word of God, which is in small part defined in the Fourteenth Droplet of the Nineteenth Word, has been revealed from the Greatest Name, the Sublime Throne, and the greatest manifestation of dominicality, and it repeatedly states with all its strength within a breadth and elevatedness that binds pre-eternity to post-eternity and ties the ground to the Divine Throne, and with the certainty of all its verses: There is no god but God!; it calls the whole universe to witness and makes it testify. Yes, altogether the world hymns: There is no god but God!
Yes, altogether the world hymns: There is no god but God!

If you look at the Qur’an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity. For above it  is the  stamp of miraculousness; beneath it, proof and evidence; behind it, its point of support, pure dominical revelation; before it, the happiness of this world and the next; on its right, questioning the reason and ensuring its confirmation; on its left, calling on the conscience to witness and securing its submission; within it is self- evidently the pure guidance of the Most Merciful; its outside observedly consists of the lights of belief; and its fruits, with all certainty the purified and veracious scholars and saints, who are  adorned with all the human perfections and attainments. If you fasten your ear to the breast of that  tongue of the Unseen, you will hear from afar a most familiar and convincing, an infinitely serious and elevated heavenly voice equipped with proof which repeats “There is no god but God.” It states this so  certainly it is at the degree  of  ‘absolute  certainty’,  and  illuminates  you  with a  ‘knowledge  of  certainty’ resembling ‘vision of certainty.’
If you look at the Qur’an with the eyes of a sound heart, you will see that its six aspects are so brilliant and transparent that no darkness, no misguidance, no doubt or suspicion, no trickery could enter it or find a fissure through which to enter and violate its purity. For above it  is the  stamp of miraculousness; beneath it, proof and evidence; behind it, its point of support, pure dominical revelation; before it, the happiness of this world and the next; on its right, questioning the reason and ensuring its confirmation; on its left, calling on the conscience to witness and securing its submission; within it is self- evidently the pure guidance of the Most Merciful; its outside observedly consists of the lights of belief; and its fruits, with all certainty the purified and veracious scholars and saints, who are  adorned with all the human perfections and attainments. If you fasten your ear to the breast of that  tongue of the Unseen, you will hear from afar a most familiar and convincing, an infinitely serious and elevated heavenly voice equipped with proof which repeats “There is no god but God.” It states this so  certainly it is at the degree  of  ‘absolute  certainty’,  and  illuminates  you  with a  ‘knowledge  of  certainty’ resembling ‘vision of certainty.’
