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Yirmi Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"And is it easier for a scribe to collect ink, pen and paper, and then using them proceed to write out a book himself? Or is it easier for him to create in the paper, pen and ink a writing-machine that requires more art and trouble than the book, and can be used only for that book, and then tell the unconscious machine: “Come on, you write it!”, and himself not interfere? Is that not a hundred times more difficult than writing it himself?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("But in order to do all these things, there is still need for the power and will of the Absolutely Powerful One, who creates the printing-press. That is to say, this hypothesis of the printing-press is a totally meaningless superstition. Thus, like the comparisons of the clock and the book, the All-Glorious Maker, who is powerful over all things, has created causes, and so too does He create the effects. Through His wisdom, He ties the effect to the cause..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("And is it easier for a scribe to collect ink, pen and paper, and then using them proceed to write out a book himself? Or is it easier for him to create in the paper, pen and ink a writing-machine that requires more art and trouble than the book, and can be used only for that book, and then tell the unconscious machine: “Come on, you write it!”, and himself not interfere? Is that not a hundred times more difficult than writing it himself?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
236. satır: 236. satır:
For example, if the command of a hundred soldiers is given to one officer, it is a hundred times easier  than if the  command of one soldier is given to  a  hundred officers. And if to equip an army it is assigned to one headquarters, one law, one factory and the command of one king, it quite simply becomes as easy as equipping a single soldier. In the  same way, if to equip one soldier it is referred to numerous headquarters, numerous factories and numerous commanders, it becomes as difficult as equipping an army. Because in order to equip a single soldier, it would require as many factories as are necessary for a whole army.
For example, if the command of a hundred soldiers is given to one officer, it is a hundred times easier  than if the  command of one soldier is given to  a  hundred officers. And if to equip an army it is assigned to one headquarters, one law, one factory and the command of one king, it quite simply becomes as easy as equipping a single soldier. In the  same way, if to equip one soldier it is referred to numerous headquarters, numerous factories and numerous commanders, it becomes as difficult as equipping an army. Because in order to equip a single soldier, it would require as many factories as are necessary for a whole army.

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Again, since by reason of the mystery of unity, the vital necessities of a tree are provided through one root, one centre and according to one law, it produces thousands of fruits as easily as a single fruit. This is plain to see. If unity changes to multiplicit y and  all the  necessities vital for each fruit  are  provided  from  different places, to produce each fruit becomes as difficult as to produce the tree. And to produce a single seed, even, which is a sample and index of the tree, becomes as difficult as the tree. Because all the necessities vital for the tree’s life are necessary for the seed.
Hem bir ağacın sırr-ı vahdet cihetiyle, bir kökte, bir merkezde, bir kanun ile mevadd-ı hayatiyesi verildiğinden binler meyve veren o ağaç, bir meyve kadar suhuletli olduğu bilmüşahede görünür. Eğer vahdetten kesrete gidilse, her bir meyveye lâzım mevadd-ı hayatiye başka yerden verilse her bir meyve, bir ağaç kadar müşkülat peyda eder. Belki ağacın bir enmuzeci ve fihristesi olan bir tek çekirdek dahi o ağaç kadar suubetli olur. Çünkü bir ağacın hayatına lâzım olan bütün mevadd-ı hayatiye, bir tek çekirdek için de lâzım oluyor.

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There are hundreds of examples like these which show  that it is easier for thousands of beings to come into existence through unity than for a single being to come  into existence through multiplicity and ascribing partners to God.
İşte bu misaller gibi yüzler misaller var gösteriyorlar ki vahdette, nihayet derecede suhuletle vücuda gelen binler mevcud, şirkte ve kesrette, bir tek mevcuddan daha ziyade kolay olur.

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