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Yirmi Altıncı Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Those exchanges have been described in part in many parts of the Risale-i Nur. So deeming them to be sufficient, here I shall explain only one proof out of thousands in order to show one thousandth part of that victory of the heart. In this way it may also cleanse the spirits of certain elderly people which have been dirtied in their youth, and their hearts sickened and souls spoilt, by matters which though called Western philosophy or the sciences of c..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For instance, the spiritual darknesses arising from science and philosophy plunged my spirit into the universe. Whichever way I looked seeking a light, I could find not a gleam in those matters, I could not breathe. And so it continued until the instruction in divine unity given by the phrase from the All-Wise Qur’an “There is no god but He” dispersed all those layers of darkness with its brilliant light, and I could breathe with ease. But relyi..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("Those exchanges have been described in part in many parts of the Risale-i Nur. So deeming them to be sufficient, here I shall explain only one proof out of thousands in order to show one thousandth part of that victory of the heart. In this way it may also cleanse the spirits of certain elderly people which have been dirtied in their youth, and their hearts sickened and souls spoilt, by matters which though called Western philosophy or the sciences of c..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
309. satır: 309. satır:
Thus, through this most subtle, powerful, profound, and clear proof, my soul, which had been a temporary student of Satan and the spokesman for the people of misguidance and the philosophers, was silenced, and, all praise be to God, came to believe completely. It said:
Thus, through this most subtle, powerful, profound, and clear proof, my soul, which had been a temporary student of Satan and the spokesman for the people of misguidance and the philosophers, was silenced, and, all praise be to God, came to believe completely. It said:

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Yes, what I need is a Creator and Sustainer who possesses the power to know the least thoughts of my heart and my most secret wishes; and as He will answer the most hidden needs of my spirit, so he will transform the mighty earth into the hereafter in order to give me eternal happiness, and remove this world and put the hereafter in its place; and create the heavens as He creates a fly; and as He fastens the sun as an eye in the face of the sky, so he can situate a particle in the pupil of my eye. For one who cannot create a fly cannot intervene in the thoughts of my heart and cannot hear the pleas of my spirit. One  who  cannot create the heavens, cannot  give me  eternal happiness. In which case, my Sustainer is He who both purifies my heart’s thoughts, and like He fills and empties the skies with clouds in an hour, so he will transform this world into the hereafter, make Paradise, and open its doors to me, bidding me to enter.
Evet, bana öyle bir Hâlık ve Rab lâzım ki en küçük hatırat-ı kalbimi ve en hafî niyazımı bilecek ve en gizli ihtiyac-ı ruhumu yerine getirdiği gibi bana saadet-i ebediyeyi vermek için koca dünyayı âhirete tebdil edecek ve bu dünyayı kaldırıp âhireti yerine kuracak hem sineği halk ettiği gibi semavatı da icad edecek hem güneşi semanın yüzüne bir göz olarak çaktığı gibi bir zerreyi de göz bebeğimde yerleştirecek bir kudrete mâlik olsun. Yoksa sineği halk edemeyen, hatırat-ı kalbime müdahale edemez, niyaz-ı ruhumu işitemez. Semavatı halk etmeyen, saadet-i ebediyeyi bana veremez. Öyle ise benim Rabb’im odur ki hem hatırat-ı kalbimi ıslah eder hem cevv-i havayı bulutlarla bir saatte doldurup boşalttığı gibi dünyayı âhirete tebdil edip, cenneti yapıp, kapısını bana açar “Haydi gir!” der.

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My elderly brothers who as a result of misfortune, like my soul, have spent part of their  lives on lightless Western materialist philosophy and science! Understand from the sacred decree of “There is no god but He” perpetually uttered by the tongue of the Qur’an, just how powerful, true, unshakeable, undamageable, unchanging, and sacred a pillar of belief it is, and how it disperses all spiritual darkness and cures all spiritual wounds!
İşte ey nefsim gibi bedbahtlık neticesinde bir kısım ömrünü nursuz felsefî ve ecnebi fünununa sarf eden ihtiyar kardeşlerim! Kur’an’ın lisanındaki mütemadiyen لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ferman-ı kudsîsinden ne kadar kuvvetli ve ne kadar hakikatli ve hiçbir cihette sarsılmaz ve zedelenmez ve tagayyür etmez kudsî bir rükn-ü imanîyi anlayınız ki nasıl bütün manevî zulümatı dağıtır ve manevî yaraları tedavi eder.

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I included this long story among the doors of hope of my old age as though involuntarily. I did not want to include it, indeed, I held back from doing so because I thought  it  would  be  tedious. But  I have  to  say that I  felt  compelled  to  write it. Anyway, to return to the main topic:
Bu uzun macerayı, ihtiyarlığımın rica kapıları içinde derci, âdeta ihtiyarımla olmadı. İstemiyordum, belki usandıracak diye çekiniyordum. Fakat bana yazdırıldı diyebilirim. Her ne ise sadede dönüyorum.

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In consequence of grey hairs appearing in my hair and beard  and of a loyal friend’s unfaithfulness, I felt a disgust at the pleasures of Istanbul’s worldly life which was so glittering and superficially agreeable and gilded. My soul searched for spiritual pleasures in place of the  pleasures with which it was obsessed. It wanted a light, a solace, in this old age which in  the  view of the heedless is cold, burdensome, and disagreeable. And all praise be to God and a hundred thousand thanks, just as I found true, lasting, and sweet pleasures of belief in “There is no god but He” and in the light of divine unity in place of all those false, disagreeable, fleeting worldly pleasures, so through the light of divine unity, I saw old age which in the view of the heedless is cold and burdensome to be most light, and warm, and luminous.
Saç ve sakalımdaki beyaz kılların ve bir vefadarın sadakatsizliği neticesinde o şaşaalı ve zâhiren tatlı ve süslü İstanbul’un hayat-ı dünyeviyesinin ezvakından bana bir nefret geldi. Nefs, meftun olduğu ezvakın yerinde manevî ezvak aradı. Bu ehl-i gafletin nazarında soğuk ve ağır ve nâhoş görünen ihtiyarlıkta, bir teselli, bir nur istedi. Felillahi’l-hamd Cenab-ı Hakk’a yüz bin şükür olsun, bütün o hakikatsiz, tatsız, âkıbetsiz ezvak-ı dünyeviye yerine; hakiki, daimî ve tatlı ezvak-ı imaniyeyi “Lâ ilahe illâ hû”da ve nur-u tevhidde bulduğum gibi ehl-i gafletin nazarında soğuk ve sakîl görünen ihtiyarlığı, o nur-u tevhid ile çok hafif ve hararetli ve nurlu gördüm.

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O you elderly men and women! Since you have belief and since you pray and offer supplications which illuminate and increase belief, you can regard your old age as eternal youth. For through it you can gain eternal youth. The old age which in truth is cold, burdensome, ugly, dark, and full of pain is the old  age of the people of misguidance, indeed, their youth as well. It  is they who should weep with sighs and regrets. While you, respected believing elderly people, should joyfully offer thanks saying: “All praise and thanks be to God for every situation!”
Ey ihtiyar ve ihtiyareler! '''Madem sizlerde iman var ve madem imanı ışıklandıran ve inkişaf ettiren namaz ve niyaz var, ihtiyarlığınıza ebedî bir gençlik nazarıyla bakabilirsiniz. Çünkü onunla ebedî bir gençlik kazanabilirsiniz.''' Hakiki soğuk ve sakîl ve çirkin ve zulmetli ve elemli olan ihtiyarlık ise ehl-i dalaletin ihtiyarlıklarıdır belki de onların gençlikleridir. Onlar ağlamalı, onlar “Vâ-esefâ, vâ-hasretâ!” demeli. Sizler, ey muhterem imanlı ihtiyarlar! اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ عَلٰى كُلِّ حَالٍ deyip mesrurane şükretmelisiniz.

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<span id="On_İkinci_Rica"></span>
== On İkinci Rica ==

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One time, I was being held in the district of Barla in the province of Isparta in a distressing captivity called exile, in a truly wretched state suffering both illness, and old age, and absence from home, and in a village alone with no one, barred from all company and communication. Then, in His perfect mercy, Almighty God bestowed a light on me concerning the subtle points and mysteries of the All-Wise Qur’an which was a source of consolation for me. With it, I tried to forget my pitiful, sad state. I was able to forget my native land, my friends and relations, but alas, there was one person I could not forget and that was Abdurrahman, who was both my nephew, and my spiritual son, and my most devoted student, and my  bravest friend. He had parted from me six or seven years previously. Neither he knew where I was so that he could hasten to help and console me, nor did I know his situation so that I could correspond with him and we could confide in each other. Now in my old age, I was in need of someone loyal and self-sacrificing like him.
Bir zaman Isparta vilayetinin Barla nahiyesinde nefiy namı altında, işkenceli bir esaretle yalnız ve kimsesiz, bir köyde ihtilattan ve muhabereden men’edilmiş bir vaziyette hem hastalık hem ihtiyarlık hem de gurbet içinde gayet perişan bir halde iken Cenab-ı Hak; kemal-i merhametinden, Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in nüktelerine, sırlarına dair benim için medar-ı teselli bir nur ihsan etmişti. Onunla o acı, elîm, hazîn vaziyetimi unutmaya çalışıyordum. Vatanımı, ahbabımı, akaribimi unutabiliyordum. Fakat “vâ-hasretâ” birisini unutamıyordum. O da hem biraderzadem hem manevî evladım hem en fedakâr talebem hem en cesur bir arkadaşım olan merhum Abdurrahman idi. Altı yedi sene evvel benden ayrılmıştı. Ne o benim yerimi biliyor ki yardıma koşsun, teselli versin ve ne de ben onun vaziyetini biliyordum ki onunla muhabere edeyim, dertleşeyim. Benim bu ihtiyarlık vaziyeti zamanımda öyle fedakâr, sadık birisi bana lâzımdı.

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Then out of the blue someone gave me a letter. I opened it and saw it was from Abdurrahman, written in a way which showed his true self. A part of it that clearly shows three instances of wonder-working has been included among the pieces of the Twenty-Seventh  Letter. It made me weep, and it still makes me weep. The late Abdurrahman wrote in the letter seriously and sincerely that he was disgusted with the pleasures of the world and that his  greatest desire was to reach me and look to my needs in my old age just as I had looked to his when he was young. He also wanted to help me with his capable pen in spreading the mysteries of the Qur’an, my true duty in this world. He even wrote in his letter: “Send me twenty or thirty treatises and I’ll write out twenty or thirty copies of each and get others to write them.”
Sonra birden birisi bana bir mektup verdi. Mektubu açtım gördüm ki Abdurrahman’ın mahiyetini tam gösterir bir tarzda bir mektup ki o mektubun bir kısmı Yirmi Yedinci Mektup’un fıkraları içinde, üç zâhir kerameti gösterir bir tarzda dercedilmiştir. O mektup beni çok ağlattırmış ve el-ân da ağlattırıyor. Merhum Abdurrahman o mektupla pek ciddi ve samimi bir surette, dünyanın ezvakından nefret ettiğini ve en büyük maksadı bana yetişip küçüklüğünde benim ona baktığım gibi o da ihtiyarlığımda bana hizmet etmekti. Hem dünyada benim hakiki vazifem olan neşr-i esrar-ı Kur’aniyede, muktedir kalemiyle bana yardım etmekti. Hattâ mektubunda yazıyordu: “Yirmi otuz risaleyi bana gönder, her birisinden yirmi otuz nüsha yazıp ve yazdıracağım.” diyordu.

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His letter made me feel very hopeful in respect of the world. With the thought that I had found a bold student who was so intelligent as to be a genius and would assist me more loyally and with greater attachment than a true son, I forgot my torturous captivity, loneliness, exile, and old age. He had obtained a copy of the Tenth Word about belief in the hereafter before writing the letter. It was as if it had been a remedy for him curing all the spiritual wounds he had received during those six or seven years. He then wrote the letter to me as if he was awaiting his death with a truly strong and shining belief.
O mektup, bana dünyaya karşı kuvvetli bir ümit verdi. Deha derecesinde zekâya mâlik ve hakiki evladın çok fevkinde bir sadakat ve irtibatla bana hizmet edecek böyle cesur bir talebemi buldum diye; o işkenceli esareti, o kimsesizliği, o gurbeti, o ihtiyarlığı unuttum. O mektuptan evvel iman-ı bi’l-âhirete dair tabettirdiğim Onuncu Söz’ün bir nüshası eline geçmişti. Güya o risale ona bir tiryak idi ki altı yedi sene zarfında aldığı bütün manevî yaralarını tedavi etti. Gayet kuvvetli ve parlak bir iman ile ecelini bekliyor gibi bana o mektubu yazmış.

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Then one or two months later while thinking of once again passing a happy worldly life together with Abdurrahman, alas, I received news of his death. I was so shaken that five years later I am still under its effect. It afflicted me with a grief, sorrow, and  sense of separation far exceeding the torturous captivity, aloneness, exile, old age, and illness I was then suffering. Half of my private world had died with the death of my mother, and now with Abdurrahman’s death, the other half died. My ties with the world were now completely cut. For if he had lived, he could have been both a powerful help in my duties which looked to the hereafter, and a worthy successor to fill my place completely after me, and a most self-sacrificing friend and consolation. He would have been my cleverest student and companion, and a most trustworthy protector and owner of the Risale-i Nur.
Bir iki ay sonra, Abdurrahman vasıtasıyla yine mesudane bir hayat-ı dünyeviye geçirmek tasavvurunda iken “vâ-hasretâ” birden onun vefat haberini aldım. Bu haber o derece beni sarstı ki beş senedir daha o tesir altındayım. O vakit bulunduğum işkenceli esaret ve yalnızlık ve gurbet ve ihtiyarlık ve hastalığım; on derece onların fevkinde bana bir firkat, bir rikkat, bir hüzün verdi. Benim merhume validemin vefatıyla hususi dünyamın yarısı, onun vefatıyla vefat etmiş diyordum. Abdurrahman’ın vefatıyla da bâki kalan öteki yarı dünyam da vefat etti gördüm. Dünyadan bütün bütün alâkam kesildi. Çünkü o, dünyada kalsaydı hem dünyadaki vazife-i uhreviyemin kuvvetli bir medarı ve benden sonra tam yerime geçecek bir hayru’l-halef ve hem de bu dünyada en fedakâr bir medar-ı teselli, bir arkadaşım olabilirdi. Ve en zeki bir talebem, bir muhatap ve Risale-i Nur eczalarının en emin bir sahibi ve muhafızı olurdu.

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Yes, in regard to humanity, such losses are extremely distressing and painful for people like me. It’s true outwardly I was trying to endure it, but a fierce storm was raging in my spirit. If from time to time solace proceeding from the Qur’an’s light had not consoled me, I would not have been able to endure it. At the time I used to wander alone in the mountains and valleys of Barla. Sitting in lonely places amid my sorrows, pictures of the happy life I had  spent in former times with my loyal students like Abdurrahman passed through my imagination like the cinema; since due to old age and  exile I was swiftly affected, they broke  my  resistance.
Evet, insaniyet itibarıyla böyle bir zayiat, benim gibi insanlara çok hırkatlidir, yandırıyor. Gerçi zâhiren tahammüle çalışıyordum fakat ruhumda şiddetli fırtına vardı. Eğer ara sıra Kur’an’ın nurundan gelen teselli teskin etmeseydi benim için dayanmak mümkün olamayacaktı. O zaman Barla derelerine, dağlarına yalnız gidip geziyordum. Hâlî yerlerde oturup o teessürat-ı hazîne içinde, eski zamanda Abdurrahman gibi sadık talebelerimle geçirdiğim mesudane hayat levhaları sinema gibi hayalimden geçtikçe ihtiyarlık ve gurbetin verdiği sürat-i teessür mukavemetimi kırıyordu.

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Suddenly the  sacred meaning of the verse,Everything shall perish save His countenance; His is the command, and to Him shall you return(28:88) was unfolded to me. It caused me to declare: “O Eternal One, You alone are Eternal! O Eternal One, You alone are Eternal!”, and truly consoled me.Then, inspired by this verse’s  meaning as is described in the treatise, The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet (UWBP), I saw myself while in that lonely valley and sad state, at the head of three vast corpses:
Birden كُلُّ شَى۟ءٍ هَالِكٌ اِلَّا وَج۟هَهُ لَهُ ال۟حُك۟مُ وَاِلَي۟هِ تُر۟جَعُونَ âyet-i kudsiyenin sırrı inkişaf etti. Bana يَا بَاقٖى اَن۟تَ ال۟بَاقٖى ۝ يَا بَاقٖى اَن۟تَ ال۟بَاقٖى dedirtti ve onunla hakiki teselli verdi. Evet, ben o hâlî derede, o hazîn halette, bu âyet-i kudsiyenin sırrıyla, Mirkatü’s-Sünne Risalesi’nde işaret edildiği gibi kendimi üç büyük cenaze başında gördüm:

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One was the sight of myself as a gravestone on the grave of the fifty-five dead Said’s of my fifty-five years who had been buried in the course of my life.
'''Biri:''' Elli beş yaşıma kadar, elli beş ölmüş ve hayat-ı ömrümde defnedilmiş Saidlerin kabri üstünde, bir mezar taşı olarak kendimi gördüm.

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The second corpse was the vast corpse of all my fellow-men who had died since the time of Adam (UWP) and had been buried in the grave of the past. I saw myself as a miniscule ant-like living creature at the head of that corpse, wandering over the face of this century, which was like its gravestone.
'''İkinci cenaze:''' Zaman-ı Âdem’den (as) beri, benim hemcinsim ve nevim vefat edip mazi kabrinde defnedilmiş olan o büyük cenazenin başında mezar taşı hükmünde olan bu asrın yüzünde gezer, karınca gibi küçük bir zîhayat suretinde kendimi gördüm.

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The third corpse was the greater world which, like human beings and the travelling worlds which every year die, would also – in accordance with the above verse – die; this was embodied before my imagination.
'''Üçüncü cenaze ise:''' İnsanlar gibi her sene dünya yüzünde seyyar bir dünyanın vefatıyla büyük dünya da bu âyetin sırrıyla vefat edeceği, hayalimin önünde tecessüm etti.
Then the verse, But if they turn away, say: “God suffices me, there is no god but He; in Him do I  place my trust—He the Sustainer of the Throne [of  Glory] Supreme!”(9:129)

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illuminated with its true solace and inextinguishable light that awesome vision arising from my  grief at Abdurrahman’s death; it came to my assistance with its allusive meaning, which states:
İşte Abdurrahman’ın vefatının hüznünden gelen bu dehşetli manayı bütün bütün aydınlattıracak ve hakiki teselli ve sönmez nur verecek bu âyet-i kerîme, mana-yı işarîsiyle imdada yetişti:

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