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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O heedless man! Come to your senses! Know just what a compounded ignorance it is and what a loss if in the face of the Sapient and All-Wise Ruler of Glory and Beauty’s making Himself known to you and loved by you by means of all His creatures in this brilliant, endless fashion you do not recognize Him with belief and you do not make yourself loved by Him with your worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As is explained in the Tenth Word, it is a fundamental rule that infinitely perfect beauty and infinitely beautiful perfection want to behold themselves and show and exhibit themselves. In consequence of this, in order to make Himself and His perfections known, and to display His beauty and make Himself loved the Pre-Eternal Inscriber of the mighty book of the universe makes known and loved the beauty of His perfection and perfection of His beauty with..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O heedless man! Come to your senses! Know just what a compounded ignorance it is and what a loss if in the face of the Sapient and All-Wise Ruler of Glory and Beauty’s making Himself known to you and loved by you by means of all His creatures in this brilliant, endless fashion you do not recognize Him with belief and you do not make yourself loved by Him with your worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
124. satır: 124. satır:
As is explained in the Tenth Word, it is a fundamental rule that infinitely perfect beauty and infinitely  beautiful perfection want to behold themselves and show and exhibit themselves. In consequence of this, in order to make Himself and His perfections known, and to display His beauty and make Himself loved the Pre-Eternal Inscriber of the mighty book of the universe makes known and loved the beauty of His perfection and perfection of His beauty with the universe and all its pages, lines and even letters and points, with the innumerable tongues of all beings from the most particular to the most universal.
As is explained in the Tenth Word, it is a fundamental rule that infinitely perfect beauty and infinitely  beautiful perfection want to behold themselves and show and exhibit themselves. In consequence of this, in order to make Himself and His perfections known, and to display His beauty and make Himself loved the Pre-Eternal Inscriber of the mighty book of the universe makes known and loved the beauty of His perfection and perfection of His beauty with the universe and all its pages, lines and even letters and points, with the innumerable tongues of all beings from the most particular to the most universal.

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O heedless man! Come to your senses! Know just what a compounded ignorance it is and  what a loss if in the face of the Sapient and All-Wise Ruler of Glory and Beauty’s making Himself known to you and loved by you  by means of all His creatures in this brilliant, endless fashion you do not recognize Him with belief and you do not make yourself loved by Him with your worship.
İşte ey gafil insan! Bu Hâkim-i Hakem-i Hakîm-i Zülcelali ve’l-cemal, sana karşı kendisini her bir mahlukuyla böyle hadsiz ve parlak tarzlarda tanıttırmak ve sevdirmek istediği halde, sen onun tanıttırmasına karşı imanla tanımazsan ve onun sevdirmesine mukabil ubudiyetinle kendini ona sevdirmezsen ne derece hadsiz muzaaf bir cehalet, bir hasaret olduğunu bil, ayıl!

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