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Otuzuncu Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"O Living One whom no living being resembles; O Living One whom nothing is like;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Yes, it is indeed impossible that the All-Glorious Ever-Living and Self-Subsistent One for whom the creation of the stars is as easy as that of particles;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("O Living One whom no living being resembles; O Living One whom nothing is like;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
575. satır: 575. satır:
Hence the most particular and insignificant action demonstrates in two respects that it is peculiar to the Creator of all things.
Hence the most particular and insignificant action demonstrates in two respects that it is peculiar to the Creator of all things.

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The most remarkable and surprising thing is this: the Necessarily Existent One possesses  necessity, which is the firmest level of existence; absolute isolation from matter, which is  the most immutable degree of existence; absolute freedom from space, which is the state of existence furthest from cessation; and unity, which is the soundest quality of existence and the one remotest from change and non-existence. And  yet they attribute pre-eternity and  everlastingness, which are the Necessarily Existent One’s most particular qualities and are necessary and essential to Him, to things like ether and particles, which are matter that is material, unbounded and numerous, is the least  stable  level of existence  and the least tangible,  the  most changing  and the most varying and the most dispersed through space; they ascribe pre-eternity to them and fancy them to be pre-eternal; and some of them even suppose that it is out of them that the  divine works arise. It has been demonstrated through cogent arguments in many places in the Risale-i Nur how contrary to truth and reality, how unreasonable and absurd, is this idea.
En ziyade cây-ı dikkat ve cây-ı hayret şudur ki: Vücudun en kuvvetli mertebesi olan “vücub”un ve vücudun en sebatlı derecesi olan “maddeden tecerrüd”ün ve vücudun zevalden en uzak tavrı olan “mekândan münezzehiyet”in ve vücudun en sağlam ve tagayyürden ve ademden en mukaddes sıfatı olan “vahdet”in sahibi olan Zat-ı Vâcibü’l-vücud’un en has hâssası ve lâzım-ı zatîsi olan ezeliyeti ve sermediyeti; vücudun en zayıf mertebesi ve en incecik derecesi ve en mütegayyir, mütehavvil tavrı ve en ziyade mekâna yayılmış olan hadsiz kesretli bir maddî madde olan esîr ve zerrat gibi şeylere vermek ve onlara ezeliyet isnad etmek ve onları ezelî tasavvur etmek ve kısmen âsâr-ı İlahiyenin onlardan neş’et ettiğini tevehhüm etmek, ne kadar hilaf-ı hakikat ve vakıa muhalif ve akıldan uzak ve bâtıl bir fikir olduğu, Risale-i Nur’un müteaddid cüzlerinde kat’î bürhanlarla gösterilmiştir.

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<span id="İkinci_Şuâ"></span>
=== İkinci Şuâ ===

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This consists of two matters.
İki meseledir.

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