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"===FIFTH RAY===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And since the development, unfolding and blossoming of abilities and faculties yield a joy, expansiveness and pleasure; and since on the performance and completion of a duty and on being released from it, everyone entrusted with such a duty experiences a feeling of relief and gratitude; and since to receive many fruits from a single seed and to gain a hundredfold profit from a single thing is a most pleasurable trade, then most certainly the One w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===FIFTH RAY===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
657. satır: 657. satır:
It may be understood then just how important are the sacred meanings and divine dominicality arising from the constant activity and dominical creativity which, on the demise of their external existences, cause all animate creatures to leave behind them multiple existences  taken from them, like their spirits, essences, identities, forms, existences in the Worlds of Similitudes, Knowledge, and the Unseen, the sheaths of their spirits, and astral bodies, all of  which are charged with duties in their places. This is explained in the Twenty-Fourth Letter.
It may be understood then just how important are the sacred meanings and divine dominicality arising from the constant activity and dominical creativity which, on the demise of their external existences, cause all animate creatures to leave behind them multiple existences  taken from them, like their spirits, essences, identities, forms, existences in the Worlds of Similitudes, Knowledge, and the Unseen, the sheaths of their spirits, and astral bodies, all of  which are charged with duties in their places. This is explained in the Twenty-Fourth Letter.

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'''A Decisive Answer to an Important Question'''
'''Mühim bir suale kat’î bir cevap'''

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One group of the people of misguidance says that the being who changes and transforms the universe with this constant activity must himself be subject to change and alteration.
Ehl-i dalaletten bir kısmı diyorlar ki: “Kâinatı bir faaliyet-i daime ile tağyir ve tebdil eden zatın, elbette kendisinin de mütegayyir ve mütehavvil olması lâzım gelir.

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'''The Answer:''' God forbid! A hundred thousand times, God forbid! The fact that mirrors on the ground change demonstrates not that the sun in the sky changes, but on the contrary that its manifestations are being renewed. Moreover, change and alteration are impossible in the Most Pure and Holy Essence, who is pre-eternal, post- eternal, sempiternal, in every respect absolutely perfect and absolutely self-sufficient, totally free of, detached from, and beyond matter, space, restriction, and contingency. Change in the universe  points to his lack of change and alteration, not to  His changing. For one who causes constant change and causes numerous things to move must himself be unchanging and not move.For example, if you spin a large number of globes and balls which have each been tied to a piece of string and cause them all to move unceasingly within an order, you have to remain in one place and not change or move, for if you did, it would spoil the order.
Elcevap: Hâşâ yüz bin defa hâşâ! Yerdeki âyinelerin tagayyürü, gökteki güneşin tagayyürünü değil, bilakis cilvelerinin tazelendiğini gösterir. Hem ezelî, ebedî, sermedî, her cihetçe kemal-i mutlakta ve istiğna-yı mutlakta, maddeden mücerred, mekândan, kayıttan, imkândan münezzeh, müberra, muallâ olan bir Zat-ı Akdes’in tagayyürü ve tebeddülü muhaldir. Kâinatın tagayyürü, onun tagayyürüne değil, belki adem-i tagayyürüne ve gayr-ı mütehavvil olduğuna delildir. Çünkü müteaddid şeyleri intizamla daimî tağyir ve tahrik eden bir zat, mütegayyir olmamak ve hareket etmemek lâzım gelir. Mesela, sen çok iplerle bağlı çok gülleleri ve topları çevirdiğin ve daimî intizamla tahrik edip vaziyetler verdiğin vakit, senin yerinde durup tagayyür ve hareket etmemekliğin gerektir. Yoksa o intizamı bozacaksın.

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It is clear that one who causes objects to move within an order must himself not  move, and  one  who  causes  objects  to  change  ceaselessly  must  himself  be unchanging so that these actions may continue in an orderly fashion.
Meşhurdur ki intizamla tahrik eden, hareket etmemek ve devam ile tağyir eden, mütegayyir olmamak gerektir; tâ ki o iş intizamla devam etsin.

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'''Secondly:''' Change and alteration arise from createdness, from being renewed in order to be perfected, from need, materiality, and contingency. Since the Most Pure and Holy Essence is both eternal, and in every respect absolutely perfect and absolutely self-sufficient, and totally detached from matter, and necessarily existent, most certainly His changing and altering is not possible; it is impossible.
Sâniyen: Tagayyür ve tebeddül, hudûstan ve tekemmül etmek için tazelenmekten ve ihtiyaçtan ve maddîlikten ve imkândan ileri geliyor. Zat-ı Akdes ise hem kadîm hem her cihetçe kemal-i mutlakta hem istiğna-yı mutlakta hem maddeden mücerred hem Vâcibü’l-vücud olduğundan elbette tagayyür ve tebeddülü muhaldir, mümkün değildir.

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<span id="Beşinci_Şuâ"></span>
=== Beşinci Şuâ ===

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