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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"He then looks at the pages of the earth and sees that each page of each of its chapters proclaims the Sustainer of the Earth in thousands of verses. Being unable to read the whole of it, he looks at the page dealing with the creation and deployment of animate beings in the spring, and observes the following:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Next the globe addresses that thoughtful traveller, now growing accustomed to his reflective journey: “Why are you wandering through the heavens, through space and the sky? Come, I will make known to you what you are seeking. Look at the functions that I perform and read my pages!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("He then looks at the pages of the earth and sees that each page of each of its chapters proclaims the Sustainer of the Earth in thousands of verses. Being unable to read the whole of it, he looks at the page dealing with the creation and deployment of animate beings in the spring, and observes the following:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
167. satır: 167. satır:
Next the globe addresses that thoughtful traveller, now growing accustomed to his reflective journey: “Why are you wandering through the heavens, through space and the sky? Come, I will make known to you what you are seeking. Look at the functions that I perform and read my pages!”
Next the globe addresses that thoughtful traveller, now growing accustomed to his reflective journey: “Why are you wandering through the heavens, through space and the sky? Come, I will make known to you what you are seeking. Look at the functions that I perform and read my pages!”

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He looks and sees that the globe, like an ecstatic Mevlevi dervish with its twofold  motion, is tracing out around the field of the Supreme Gathering a circle  that determines the succession of days, years, and seasons. It is a most magnificent dominical ship, loaded with the hundreds of thousands of different forms of food and equipment needed for all animate  beings, floating with the utmost equilibrium in the ocean of space and circling the sun.
Arz meczup bir mevlevî gibi iki hareketiyle; günlerin, senelerin, mevsimlerin husulüne medar olan bir daireyi, haşr-i a’zamın meydanı etrafında çiziyor. Ve zîhayatın yüz bin envaını bütün erzak ve levazımatlarıyla içine alıp feza denizinde kemal-i muvazene ve nizamla gezdiren ve güneş etrafında seyahat eden muhteşem ve musahhar bir sefine-i Rabbaniyedir.

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He then looks at the pages of the earth and sees that each page of each of its chapters proclaims the Sustainer of the Earth in thousands of verses. Being unable to read the whole of it, he looks at the page dealing with the creation and deployment of animate beings in the spring, and observes the following:
Sonra sahifelerine bakar, görür ki: Bablarındaki her bir sahifesi, binler âyâtıyla arzın Rabb’ini tanıttırıyor. Umumunu okumak için vakit bulamadığından, yalnız bir tek sahife olan zîhayatın bahar faslında icad ve idaresine bakar, müşahede eder ki:

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The forms of the countless members of hundreds of thousands of species emerge, in the utmost precision, from a simple material and are then nurtured in most merciful fashion. Then, in miraculous manner, wings are given to some of the seeds; they take to flight and are thus dispersed. They are most effectively distributed, most carefully fed and nurtured. Countless tasty and delicious forms of food, in the most merciful and tender fashion, are brought forth  from dry clay, and from roots, seeds and drops of liquid that differ little among each other. Every spring, a hundred thousand kinds of food and equipment are loaded on it from an unseen treasury, as if onto a railway waggon, and are despatched in utmost orderliness to  animate beings.
Yüz bin envaın hadsiz efradlarının suretleri, basit bir maddeden gayet muntazam açılıyor ve gayet rahîmane terbiye ediliyor ve gayet mu’cizane bir kısmının tohumlarına kanatçıklar verip onları uçurmak suretiyle neşrettiriliyor ve gayet müdebbirane idare olunuyor ve gayet müşfikane iaşe ve it’am ediliyor ve gayet rahîmane ve rezzakane hadsiz ve çeşit çeşit ve lezzetli ve tatlı rızıkları, hiçten ve kuru topraktan ve birbirinin misli ve farkları pek az ve kemik gibi köklerden, çekirdeklerden, su katrelerinden yetiştiriliyor. Her bahar bir vagon gibi hazine-i gaybdan yüz bin nevi et’ime ve levazımat, kemal-i intizam ile yüklenip zîhayata gönderiliyor.

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The sending to infants of canned milk in those food packages, and pumps of sugared milk in the form of their mothers’ affectionate breasts, is in particular such an instance of solicitousness, mercy and wisdom that it immediately establishes itself as a most tender manifestation of the mercy and generosity of the Merciful and Compassionate One.
Ve bilhassa o erzak paketleri içinde yavrulara gönderilen süt konserveleri ve validelerinin şefkatli sinelerinde asılan şekerli süt tulumbacıklarını göndermek, o kadar şefkat ve merhamet ve hikmet içinde görünüyor ki bilbedahe bir Rahman-ı Rahîm’in gayet müşfikane ve mürebbiyane bir cilve-i rahmeti ve ihsanı olduğunu ispat eder.

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