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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''THE SEVENTH:''' The Family and Companions of the Prophet —who with their insight, knowledge, and spiritual accomplishment are the most renowned, the most respected, the most celebrated, the most pious and the most keensighted of men after the prophets— examined and scrutinized, with the utmost attention, seriousness and exactitude, all the states, thoughts and conditions of this being, whether hidden or open. They came to the unanimous conclus..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''THE SIXTH:''' The millions of purified, sincere, and punctilious scholars and faithful sages, who have reached the highest station of learning through the teaching and instruction contained in the sacred truths brought by that being, despite his unlettered nature, the exalted sciences he invented and Divine knowledge he discovered — they not only prove and affirm, unanimously and with the strongest proofs, the Divine unity which is the foun..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''THE SEVENTH:''' The Family and Companions of the Prophet —who with their insight, knowledge, and spiritual accomplishment are the most renowned, the most respected, the most celebrated, the most pious and the most keensighted of men after the prophets— examined and scrutinized, with the utmost attention, seriousness and exactitude, all the states, thoughts and conditions of this being, whether hidden or open. They came to the unanimous conclus..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
370. satır: 370. satır:
'''THE SIXTH:''' The millions of purified, sincere,  and  punctilious  scholars  and faithful sages, who have reached the highest station of learning through the teaching and  instruction contained in the sacred  truths brought by that being, despite his unlettered  nature, the exalted sciences he invented and Divine  knowledge he discovered — they not only prove and affirm, unanimously and with the strongest proofs, the Divine unity which is the foundation of his mission, but also bear unanimous witness to the truthfulness of this supreme teacher and great master, and to the veracity of his words. This is a proof as clear as daylight. The Risale-i Nur too with its one hundred parts is but a single proof of his truthfulness.
'''THE SIXTH:''' The millions of purified, sincere,  and  punctilious  scholars  and faithful sages, who have reached the highest station of learning through the teaching and  instruction contained in the sacred  truths brought by that being, despite his unlettered  nature, the exalted sciences he invented and Divine  knowledge he discovered — they not only prove and affirm, unanimously and with the strongest proofs, the Divine unity which is the foundation of his mission, but also bear unanimous witness to the truthfulness of this supreme teacher and great master, and to the veracity of his words. This is a proof as clear as daylight. The Risale-i Nur too with its one hundred parts is but a single proof of his truthfulness.

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'''THE SEVENTH:''' The Family and Companions of the Prophet —who with their insight, knowledge, and spiritual accomplishment  are the most renowned, the most respected, the most celebrated, the most pious and the most keensighted of men after the prophets—  examined and scrutinized, with the utmost attention, seriousness and exactitude, all the states,  thoughts and conditions of this being, whether hidden or open. They came to the unanimous conclusion that he was the most truthful, exalted, and honest being in the world, and this, their unshakeable affirmation and firm belief, is a proof like the daylight attesting the reality of the sun.
'''Yedincisi:''' Âl ü ashab namında ve nev-i beşerin enbiyadan sonra feraset ve dirayet ve kemalâtla en meşhuru ve en muhterem ve en namdarı ve en dindar ve keskin nazarlı taife-i azîmesi; kemal-i merak ile ve gayet dikkat ve nihayet ciddiyetle, bu zatın bütün gizli ve aşikâr hallerini ve fikirlerini ve vaziyetlerini taharri ve teftiş ve tetkik etmeleri neticesinde; bu zatın dünyada en sadık ve en yüksek ve en haklı ve hakikatli olduğuna ittifak ile ve icma ile sarsılmaz tasdikleri ve kuvvetli imanları, güneşin ziyasına delâlet eden gündüz gibi bir delildir diye anladı.

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'''THE EIGHTH:''' The cosmos indicates its Maker, Inscriber, and Designer, Who creates,  administers, and arranges it, and through determining its measure and form and regulating it, has disposal over it as though it was a palace, a book, an exhibition, a spectacle. And so too it indicates that it requires and necessitates an elevated herald, a truthful unveiler, a learned master, and a truthful teacher who will know and make known the Divine purposes in the universe’s creation, teach the dominical instances of wisdom in its changes and transformations, give instruction in the results of its dutiful motions, proclaim its essential value and the  perfections of the beings within it, and express the meanings of that mighty book; it indicates that he is certain to exist. Thus, the traveller knew that  it testified to the truthfulness of this  being, who performed these functions better than anyone, and to his being a most elevated and loyal official of the universe’s Creator.
'''Sekizincisi:''' Bu kâinat, nasıl ki kendini icad ve idare ve tertip eden ve tasvir ve takdir ve tedbir ile bir saray gibi bir kitap gibi bir sergi gibi bir temaşagâh gibi tasarruf eden sâni’ine ve kâtibine ve nakkaşına delâlet eder. Öyle de kâinatın hilkatindeki makasıd-ı İlahiyeyi bilecek ve bildirecek ve tahavvülatındaki Rabbanî hikmetlerini talim edecek ve vazifedarane harekâtındaki neticeleri ders verecek ve mahiyetindeki kıymetini ve içindeki mevcudatın kemalâtını ilan edecek ve o kitab-ı kebirin manalarını ifade edecek bir yüksek dellâl, bir doğru keşşaf, bir muhakkik üstad, bir sadık muallim istediği ve iktiza ettiği ve herhalde bulunmasına delâlet ettiği cihetiyle, elbette bu vazifeleri herkesten ziyade yapan bu zatın hakkaniyetine ve bu kâinat Hâlık’ının en yüksek ve sadık bir memuru olduğuna şehadet ettiğini bildi.

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