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Yedinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The traveller left it to the Risale-i Nur to prove that the Qur’an is miraculous and the true Word of God, turning only to a brief indication of a few points showing its greatness." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In reference to the lesson learned in the School of Light by that traveller from the world, that wayfarer in life, when he visited in his mind the blessed age of the Prophet, we said at the end of the Sixteenth Degree of the First Station: There is no god but God, the Necessary Existent, the One, the Unique, the Necessity of Whose Existence in Unity is indicated by the Pride of the World and the Glory of the Sons of Adam, through the majesty of the sov..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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("The traveller left it to the Risale-i Nur to prove that the Qur’an is miraculous and the true Word of God, turning only to a brief indication of a few points showing its greatness." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
397. satır: 397. satır:
The tireless and insatiable traveller, who knew the aim of life in this world and the essence of life to be faith, addressed his own heart and said: “Let us examine the book known as the  Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which is said to  be the word and utterance of the Being Whom we are seeking, the most famous, the most brilliant and wisest book in the world, that  issues a challenge in every age to whoever refuses to submit to it. Let us see what it says. But first, we must establish that this book is from our Creator,” and he began to search.
The tireless and insatiable traveller, who knew the aim of life in this world and the essence of life to be faith, addressed his own heart and said: “Let us examine the book known as the  Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which is said to  be the word and utterance of the Being Whom we are seeking, the most famous, the most brilliant and wisest book in the world, that  issues a challenge in every age to whoever refuses to submit to it. Let us see what it says. But first, we must establish that this book is from our Creator,” and he began to search.

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Since the traveller lived in the present age, he looked first at the Risale-i Nur, flashes from the miraculousness of the Qur’an; he saw its one hundred and thirty parts to consist of luminous points drawn from that Book of Discernment, or well-founded explanations of its contents. Even though the Risale-i Nur is valiantly struggling to diffuse the truths of the Qur’an in all directions, in this obstinate and  atheistic  age, no  one can defeat it, which proves that  its master, its source, its authority and its sun, is the Qur’an, heavenly not human speech.
Bu seyyah bu zamanda bulunduğu münasebetiyle en evvel manevî i’caz-ı Kur’anînin lem’aları olan Resaili’n-Nur’a baktı ve onun yüz otuz risaleleri, âyât-ı Furkaniyenin nükteleri ve ışıkları ve esaslı tefsirleri olduğunu gördü. Ve Risaletü’n-Nur, bu kadar muannid ve mülhid bir asırda her tarafa hakaik-i Kur’aniyeyi mücahidane neşrettiği halde, karşısına kimse çıkamadığından ispat eder ki onun üstadı ve menbaı ve mercii ve güneşi olan Kur’an semavîdir, beşer kelâmı değildir.

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Among the hundreds of proofs in the different parts of the Risale-i Nur, the single proof contained in  the  Twenty-Fifth Word and the end of the Nineteenth  Letter, establishes forty aspects of the Qur’an’s miraculousness in such a way that whoever sees it, far from uttering any criticism or objection, admires its  arguments, and  utters appreciative praise.
Hattâ Resaili’n-Nur’un yüzer hüccetlerinden bir tek hüccet-i Kur’aniyesi olan Yirmi Beşinci Söz ile On Dokuzuncu Mektup’un âhiri, Kur’an’ın kırk vecihle mu’cize olduğunu öyle ispat etmiş ki kim görmüş ise değil tenkit ve itiraz etmek, belki ispatlarına hayran olmuş, takdir ederek çok sena etmiş.

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The traveller left it to the Risale-i Nur to prove that the Qur’an is miraculous and the true Word of God, turning only to a brief indication of a few points showing its greatness.
Kur’an’ın vech-i i’cazını ve hak kelâmullah olduğunu ispat etmek cihetini Risaletü’n-Nur’a havale ederek yalnız bir kısa işaretle büyüklüğünü gösteren birkaç noktaya dikkat etti:

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