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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"[Two Points comprising a concise explanation of one comprehensive result of the numerous spiritual benefits of belief in resurrection and of its vital consequences; a demonstration of how essential it is for human life and especially for the life of society; a summary of one universal proof out of numerous proofs of the tenet of belief in the resurrection of the dead; and a statement of how indubitable and self-evident is that tenet of belief.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The frequent deaths before their unhappy eyes of other children like themselves or of grown-ups will otherwise destroy all their resistance and morale, making their subtle faculties, such as their spirits, hearts, and minds, weep together with their eyes; they will either decline utterly or become crazy, wretched animals." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("[Two Points comprising a concise explanation of one comprehensive result of the numerous spiritual benefits of belief in resurrection and of its vital consequences; a demonstration of how essential it is for human life and especially for the life of society; a summary of one universal proof out of numerous proofs of the tenet of belief in the resurrection of the dead; and a statement of how indubitable and self-evident is that tenet of belief.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
46. satır: 46. satır:
A companionship  that was to end in eternal separation after an hour or two of brief, apparent friendship would otherwise afford only superficial, temporary, feigned, animal-like feelings, and false compassion and artificial respect. As with animals, self-interest and other overpowering emotions would prevail over the respect and compassion, transforming that worldly paradise into Hell.
A companionship  that was to end in eternal separation after an hour or two of brief, apparent friendship would otherwise afford only superficial, temporary, feigned, animal-like feelings, and false compassion and artificial respect. As with animals, self-interest and other overpowering emotions would prevail over the respect and compassion, transforming that worldly paradise into Hell.

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Thus, one of the hundreds of results of belief in resurrection is connected with the life of  society. If a comparison is made between the above four proofs out of the hundreds of  aspects and benefits of this single consequence and the rest, it will be understood that the realization of the truth of resurrection and its occurrence, are as certain as the elevated reality of humanity and its universal need. It is clearer even than the  evidence  for  the existence  of  food  offered  by the existence  of need  in  man’s stomach, and tells of its existence more clearly.
İşte iman-ı haşrînin yüzer neticesinden birisi, hayat-ı içtimaiye-i insaniyeye taalluk eder. Ve bu tek neticenin de yüzer cihetinden ve faydalarından mezkûr dört delile sairleri kıyas edilse anlaşılır ki hakikat-i haşriyenin tahakkuku ve vukuu, insaniyetin ulvi hakikati ve küllî hâceti derecesinde kat’îdir. Belki insanın midesindeki ihtiyacın vücudu, taamların vücuduna delâlet ve şehadetinden daha zâhirdir ve daha ziyade tahakkukunu bildirir.

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It proves too that if the consequences of the truth  of resurrection were to quit humanity, whose nature  is  extremely significant,  lofty, and living, it would descend to being a corrupt corpse fed on by microbes.
Ve eğer bu hakikat-i haşriyenin neticeleri insaniyetten çıksa o çok ehemmiyetli ve yüksek ve hayattar olan insaniyet mahiyeti, murdar ve mikrop yuvası bir laşe hükmüne sukut edeceğini ispat eder.

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The sociologists, politicians, and moralists who  govern mankind and are concerned with its social and moral questions should be aware of this! How do they propose to fill this vacuum? With what can they cure these deep wounds?
Beşerin idare ve ahlâk ve içtimaiyatı ile çok alâkadar olan içtimaiyyun ve siyasiyyun ve ahlâkiyyunun kulakları çınlasın! Gelsinler, bu boşluğu ne ile doldurabilirler ve bu derin yaraları ne ile tedavi edebilirler?

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