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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"All the miracles indicating the messengership of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the evidences for his prophethood, and all the proofs of his veracity, together testify to the occurrence of the resurrection and prove it. For after Divine unity, everything he claimed throughout his life was centred on the resurrection of the dead. Also, all his miracles and proofs affirming, and making affirmed, all the previous prophets attest to the sam..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("A companionship that was to end in eternal separation after an hour or two of brief, apparent friendship would otherwise afford only superficial, temporary, feigned, animal-like feelings, and false compassion and artificial respect. As with animals, self-interest and other overpowering emotions would prevail over the respect and compassion, transforming that worldly paradise into Hell." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("All the miracles indicating the messengership of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the evidences for his prophethood, and all the proofs of his veracity, together testify to the occurrence of the resurrection and prove it. For after Divine unity, everything he claimed throughout his life was centred on the resurrection of the dead. Also, all his miracles and proofs affirming, and making affirmed, all the previous prophets attest to the sam..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
61. satır: 61. satır:
Also, the testimony of the phrase “and in His Scriptures,” which makes completely clear the testimony of the phrase “and in His Prophets,” testifies to the same truth. Like this:
Also, the testimony of the phrase “and in His Scriptures,” which makes completely clear the testimony of the phrase “and in His Prophets,” testifies to the same truth. Like this:

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All the miracles, truths, and proofs proving foremost the veracity of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition,  testify to and prove the realization and occurrence of resurrection. For almost a third of the Qur’an is  about resurrection, and at the beginning of most of its short suras are powerful verses about it. It expresses the same truth explicitly and implicitly with  thousands of its verses, and proves and demonstrates it. For example: When the sun is folded up.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 81:1.</ref>)* O men, fear your Sustainer; the trembling of the Hour is an awesome event;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 22:1.</ref>)* When the earth is convulsed;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 99:1.</ref>)* When the heavens are torn asunder;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 82:1.</ref>)* When the heavens are torn apart;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 84:1.</ref>)* Concerning what  they  dispute;(*<ref>*Qur’an, 78:1.</ref>)* Has  the  story  reached  you,  of  the overwhelming event?(*<ref>*Qur’an, 88:1.</ref>)Besides demonstrating with complete certainty at the beginning of thirty or forty suras that resurrection is the most important and necessary truth in the universe, it sets forth various persuasive evidences for that truth in others of its verses.
Başta Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın hakkaniyetini ispat eden bütün mu’cizeleri, hüccetleri ve hakikatleri, birden hakikat-i haşriyenin tahakkukuna ve vukuuna şehadet edip ispat ederler. Çünkü Kur’an’ın hemen üçten birisi haşirdir ve ekser kısa surelerinin başlarında gayet kuvvetli âyât-ı haşriyedir. Sarîhan ve işareten binler âyâtıyla aynı hakikati haber verir, ispat eder, gösterir. Mesela اِذَا الشَّم۟سُ كُوِّرَت۟ ۝ يَٓا اَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُم۟ اِنَّ زَل۟زَلَةَ السَّاعَةِ شَى۟ءٌ عَظٖيمٌ ۝ اِذَا زُل۟زِلَتِ ال۟اَر۟ضُ زِل۟زَالَهَا ۝ اِذَا السَّمَٓاءُ ان۟فَطَرَت۟ ۝ اِذَا السَّمَٓاءُ ان۟شَقَّت۟ ۝ عَمَّ يَتَسَٓاءَلُونَ ۝ هَل۟ اَتٰيكَ حَدٖيثُ ال۟غَاشِيَةِ gibi otuz kırk surelerin başlarında bütün kat’iyetle hakikat-i haşriyeyi kâinatın en ehemmiyetli ve vâcib bir hakikati olduğunu göstermekle beraber, sair âyetlerinde dahi o hakikatin çeşit çeşit delillerini beyan edip ikna eder.

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Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the  sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one  of the verses of which has yielded  before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?
Acaba bir tek âyetin bir tek işareti, gözümüz önünde ulûm-u İslâmiyede müteaddid ilmî ve kevnî hakikatleri meyve veren bir kitabın binler böyle şehadetleri ve davaları ile güneş gibi zuhur eden iman-ı haşrî hakikatsiz olması; güneşin inkârı belki kâinatın ademi gibi hiçbir cihet-i imkânı var mı ve yüz derece muhal ve bâtıl olmaz mı?

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Is there any possibility of denying the sun, or the  existence of the universe? Would it not be impossible and absurd? Is it at all possible that  although an army may sometimes be plunged into battle so that a mere sign of the king should not be given the lie, to show as false the thousands of words, promises, and threats of that most serious, proud monarch? Is it possible that they should be false?
Acaba bir sultanın bir tek işareti yalan olmamak için bazen bir ordu hareket edip çarpıştığı halde, o pek ciddi ve izzetli sultanın binler sözleri ve vaadleri ve tehditlerini yalan çıkarmak, hiçbir cihette kabil midir ve hakikatsiz olmak mümkün müdür?

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