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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''“O My Compassionate Sustainer!''' “I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world, will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''“O My Compassionate Sustainer!''' “I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world, will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
71. satır: 71. satır:
Moreover, by their definite acceptance of the truth of resurrection, which the Qur’an —prevailing over the future and all times— repeatedly proves in detail and elucidates, all the revealed scriptures and sacred books, each of which dominated a particular period,  proved it according to their own times and centuries, but in undetailed, veiled, and summary manner, confirming with a thousand signatures what the Qur’an teaches.
Moreover, by their definite acceptance of the truth of resurrection, which the Qur’an —prevailing over the future and all times— repeatedly proves in detail and elucidates, all the revealed scriptures and sacred books, each of which dominated a particular period,  proved it according to their own times and centuries, but in undetailed, veiled, and summary manner, confirming with a thousand signatures what the Qur’an teaches.

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Included here since it is related to this discussion is the testimony at the end of the Third Ray of the other  pillars of faith, and particularly “the Prophets” and “Holy Scriptures,” to “belief in the Last Day.” It forms a convincing proof of resurrection, and is in the form of a powerful yet succinct supplication which dispels all doubts. It says in the supplication:
Bu bahsin münasebetiyle Risale-i Münâcat’ın âhirinde “iman-ı bi’l-yevmi’l-âhir” rüknüne sair rükünlerin hususan “rusül” ve “kütüb”ün şehadeti, münâcat suretinde zikredilen pek kuvvetli ve hülâsalı ve bütün evhamları izale eden bir hüccet-i haşriye aynen buraya giriyor. Şöyle ki Münâcat’ta demiş:

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'''“O My Compassionate Sustainer!'''
'''Ey Rabb-i Rahîm’im!''' Resul-i Ekrem’inin talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin dersiyle anladım ki: Başta Kur’an ve Resul-i Ekrem’in olarak bütün mukaddes kitaplar ve peygamberler, bu dünyada ve her tarafta numuneleri görülen celalli ve cemalli isimlerinin tecellileri daha parlak bir surette ebedü’l-âbâdda devam edeceğine ve bu fâni âlemde rahîmane cilveleri, numuneleri müşahede edilen ihsanatının daha şaşaalı bir tarzda dâr-ı saadette istimrarına ve bekasına ve bu kısa hayat-ı dünyeviyede onları zevk ile gören ve muhabbet ile refakat eden müştakların, ebedde dahi refakatlerine ve beraber bulunmalarına icma ve ittifak ile şehadet ve delâlet ve işaret ederler.
“I have understood from the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (PBUH) and the teaching of the Qur’an, that foremost the Qur’an and the Messenger, and all the sacred  scriptures and prophets, have unanimously testified  and pointed out that the manifestations of the Names related to Your beauty and glory, examples of which are to be seen in this world,  will continue even more radiantly for all eternity, and that Your  bounties, samples  of which are to be observed in this  transitory world, will persist in the abode of bliss in still more glittering fashion, and that those who long for them in this world will accompany them for all eternity.

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