İçeriğe atla

On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The case is this: relying on the thousands of promises and pledges of the universe’s Owner, Who has disposal over it, hundreds of thousands of the most eminent of mankind, and uncounted numbers of its stars and guides, have unanimously given news —and some of them have actually seen— that for everyone the case has opened by which they may either win, in return for belief, or lose, eternal properties as broad as the earth set with palaces and garde..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("I replied to them:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The case is this: relying on the thousands of promises and pledges of the universe’s Owner, Who has disposal over it, hundreds of thousands of the most eminent of mankind, and uncounted numbers of its stars and guides, have unanimously given news —and some of them have actually seen— that for everyone the case has opened by which they may either win, in return for belief, or lose, eternal properties as broad as the earth set with palaces and garde..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
106. satır: 106. satır:
'''The Answer to the first point:''' Yes, an event more momentous than this World War and a case more important than that of world supremacy has been opened over the heads of everyone and especially Muslims, so that if everyone had the wealth and power of the Germans and English and sense as well, they would unhesitatingly spend all of it to win that single case.
'''The Answer to the first point:''' Yes, an event more momentous than this World War and a case more important than that of world supremacy has been opened over the heads of everyone and especially Muslims, so that if everyone had the wealth and power of the Germans and English and sense as well, they would unhesitatingly spend all of it to win that single case.

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The case is this: relying on the thousands of promises and pledges of the universe’s Owner, Who has disposal over it, hundreds of thousands of the most eminent of mankind, and uncounted numbers of its stars and guides,  have unanimously given news —and some of them have actually seen— that for everyone the case has opened by which they may either win, in return for belief, or lose, eternal properties as broad as the earth set with palaces and gardens. If they do not secure the document of belief, they will lose. And this age, many are losing the case because of the plague of materialism. One of the diviners of reality  and investigators of truth observed in one place that out of forty people who died, only a few won; the others lost. Can anything take the place of that lost suit, even rule over the whole world?
İşte o dava ise yüz bin meşahir-i insaniyenin ve hadsiz nev-i beşerin yıldızları ve mürşidlerinin müttefikan, kâinat sahibinin ve mutasarrıfının binler vaad ve ahidlerine istinaden haber verdikleri ve bir kısmı gözleriyle gördükleri şu ki herkesin iman mukabilinde bu zemin yüzü kadar bağlar ve kasırlar ile müzeyyen ve bâki ve daimî bir tarla ve mülkü kazanmak veya kaybetmek davası başına açılmış. Eğer iman vesikasını sağlam elde etmezse kaybedecek. Ve bu asırda, maddiyyunluk taunuyla çoklar o davasını kaybediyor. Hattâ bir ehl-i keşif ve tahkik, bir yerde kırk vefiyattan yalnız birkaç tanesi kazandığını sekeratta müşahede etmiş, ötekiler kaybetmişler. Acaba bu kaybettiği davanın yerini, bütün dünya saltanatı o adama verilse doldurabilir mi?

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