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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"While enjoying the pleasures of this fruit, my imagination plucked one of the numerous fruits of belief in the prophets, which resembles it, and tasted it. Then suddenly my belief that all the prophets of the past were as though living, and my assent to them, lit up those times and made my belief universal and expanded it, and set thousands of signatures to their teachings concerning belief in the Prophet of the End of Time (PBUH), silencing the Sa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Your very faulty student," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("While enjoying the pleasures of this fruit, my imagination plucked one of the numerous fruits of belief in the prophets, which resembles it, and tasted it. Then suddenly my belief that all the prophets of the past were as though living, and my assent to them, lit up those times and made my belief universal and expanded it, and set thousands of signatures to their teachings concerning belief in the Prophet of the End of Time (PBUH), silencing the Sa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
719. satır: 719. satır:
'''Another:''' Everyone tries earnestly to preserve through writing, poetry, or even the cinema, a worthwhile saying or deed, in order to immortalize it. Particularly if the deeds produce everlasting fruits in Paradise, they are even more anxious to preserve them. The recording angels hovering over men’s shoulders so that they may show their deeds in eternal vistas and continually gain their owners reward, seemed so agreeable to me, I cannot describe it.
'''Another:''' Everyone tries earnestly to preserve through writing, poetry, or even the cinema, a worthwhile saying or deed, in order to immortalize it. Particularly if the deeds produce everlasting fruits in Paradise, they are even more anxious to preserve them. The recording angels hovering over men’s shoulders so that they may show their deeds in eternal vistas and continually gain their owners reward, seemed so agreeable to me, I cannot describe it.

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Then, when ‘the worldly’ had isolated me from everything to do with social life and kept me from all my books, friends, assistants, and the things that console me, and I was being crushed by the desolation of exile and my empty world was tumbling down all around me, one of the many fruits of belief in the angels came to my assistance. It cheered up the uni verse and my world, filling it with angels and spirit beings, and making my world laugh for  joy.(*<ref>*Musnad, v, 173; al-Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 9; Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 19.</ref>)It showed too that the worlds of the people of misguidance  weep  in desolation,  emptiness,  and darkness.
Sonra ehl-i dünyanın, beni hayat-ı içtimaiyedeki her şeyden tecrit etmek içinde bütün kitaplarımdan ve dostlarımdan ve hizmetçilerimden ve teselli verici işlerden ayrı düşürmeleriyle beraber, gurbet vahşeti beni sıkarken ve boş dünya başıma yıkılırken melâikeye imanın pek çok meyvelerinden birisi imdadıma geldi. Kâinatımı ve dünyamı şenlendirdi, melekler ve ruhanîlerle doldurdu, âlemimi sevinçle güldürdü. Ve ehl-i dalaletin dünyaları vahşet ve boşluk ve karanlıkla ağladıklarını gösterdi.

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While enjoying  the pleasures of this fruit, my imagination  plucked  one of the  numerous fruits  of belief in the prophets, which resembles it, and tasted it. Then suddenly my belief that all the prophets of the past were as though living, and my assent to them, lit up those times and made my belief universal and expanded it, and set thousands of  signatures to their teachings concerning belief in the Prophet of the End of Time (PBUH), silencing the Satans.
Hayalim bu meyvenin lezzetiyle mesrur iken umum peygamberlere imanın pek çok meyvelerinden buna benzer bir tek meyvesini aldı, tattı. Birden, bütün geçmiş zamanlardaki enbiyalarla yaşamış gibi onlara imanım ve tasdikim, o zamanları ışıklandırdı ve imanımı küllî yapıp genişlendirdi. Ve Âhir Zaman Peygamberimizin imana ait olan davalarına binler imza bastırdı, şeytanları susturdu.

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