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On İkinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If I had accepted the offer, the Risale-i Nur, which can be the tool of nothing nor follow anything and holds the mystery of sincerity, would not have come into being. I even told my respected brothers in prison: if those who have condemned me to be executed because of the heavy blows of the Risale-i Nur, which was sent to Ankara, save their belief through the Risale-i Nur and are delivered from eternal annihilation, you bear witness that I forgive th..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("I told them in reply: the Risale-i Nur, which has been the means of gaining for hundreds of thousands of our fellow-countrymen millions of years of life in the hereafter, has performed that task a thousand times over, in place of twenty or thirty years of worldly life I was unable to save for those people." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If I had accepted the offer, the Risale-i Nur, which can be the tool of nothing nor follow anything and holds the mystery of sincerity, would not have come into being. I even told my respected brothers in prison: if those who have condemned me to be executed because of the heavy blows of the Risale-i Nur, which was sent to Ankara, save their belief through the Risale-i Nur and are delivered from eternal annihilation, you bear witness that I forgive th..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
267. satır: 267. satır:
I told them in reply: the Risale-i Nur, which has been the means of gaining for hundreds of thousands of our fellow-countrymen  millions of years of life in the hereafter, has performed that task a thousand times over, in place of twenty or thirty years of worldly life I was unable to save for those people.
I told them in reply: the Risale-i Nur, which has been the means of gaining for hundreds of thousands of our fellow-countrymen  millions of years of life in the hereafter, has performed that task a thousand times over, in place of twenty or thirty years of worldly life I was unable to save for those people.

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If I had accepted the offer, the Risale-i Nur, which can be the tool of nothing nor follow anything and holds the mystery of sincerity, would not have come into  being. I even told my respected brothers in prison: if those who have condemned  me to be executed because of the heavy blows of the Risale-i Nur, which was sent to Ankara, save their belief through the Risale-i Nur and are delivered from eternal annihilation, you bear  witness that I forgive them with all my life and soul!
'''Eğer o teklifi ben kabul etseydim, hiçbir şeye âlet olamayan ve tabi olmayan ve sırr-ı ihlası taşıyan Risale-i Nur meydana gelmezdi.''' Hattâ ben, hapiste muhterem kardeşlerime demiştim: Eğer Ankara’ya gönderilen Risale-i Nur’un şiddetli tokatları için beni idama mahkûm eden zatlar, Risale-i Nur ile imanlarını kurtarıp idam-ı ebedîden necat bulsalar siz şahit olunuz, ben onları da ruh u canımla helâl ederim!

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I told those who were pestering me with their surveillance in Denizli after our acquittal,  and  the  high-ranking  officials  and  police  chief  and  inspectors: It  is  an undeniable wonder  of the Risale-i Nur that in nine months of close investigations no document has been found or connection of any kind with any movement, association, or society here or abroad, in the  twenty years of my life of oppression, or in the hundreds of my treatises and letters, or  among my thousands of students. Could this extraordinary situation have been achieved by the power of thought or through some arrangement? If the private concerns of one person over a number of years are brought to light, there certainly would be twenty matters to embarass or convict him.
Beraetimizden sonra Denizli’de beni tarassudla taciz edenlere ve büyük âmirlerine ve polis müdürüyle müfettişlere dedim: Risale-i Nur’un kabil-i inkâr olmayan bir kerametidir ki yirmi sene mazlumiyet hayatımda, yüzer risale ve mektuplarımda ve binler şakirdlerde hiçbir cereyan, hiçbir cemiyet ile ve dâhilî ve haricî hiçbir komite ile hiçbir vesika, hiçbir alâka, dokuz ay tetkikatta bulunmamasıdır. Hiçbir fikrin ve tedbirin haddi midir ki bu hârika vaziyeti versin. Bir tek adamın birkaç senedeki mahrem esrarı meydana çıksa elbette onu mes’ul ve mahcup edecek yirmi madde bulunacak.

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Since the fact is this, you will say either that some brilliant undefeatable genius is organizing the matter, or that it is a truly munificent Divine preservation. It would surely be an error to contest such a genius. It would cause great harm to the country and people. While to  oppose  such  Divine  preservation  and  dominical  grace  would  be  pharaoh-like obduracy.
Madem hakikat budur ya diyeceksiniz ki: “Pek hârika ve mağlup olmaz bir deha bu işi çeviriyor.” veya diyeceksiniz: “Gayet inayetkârane bir hıfz-ı İlahîdir.” Elbette böyle bir deha ile mübareze etmek hatadır, millete ve vatana büyük bir zarardır. Ve böyle bir hıfz-ı İlahî ve inayet-i Rabbaniyeye karşı gelmek, firavunane bir temerrüddür.

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