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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For since the essence of the Risale-i Nur’s way is complete sincerity, and the giving up of egotism, and to search out and perceive the mercy within difficulties and the permanent pleasures within pains, and to point out the grievous pains within fleeting dissolute pleasures, and that belief is the means to innumerable pleasures in this world too, and to teach the points and truths that the hand of no philosophy can reach, God willing it will make al..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Your constancy and steadfastness foil all the plans of the Masons and dissemblers. Yes, my brothers, there is no need to hide it, those atheists draw comparisons between the Risale-i Nur and its students, and the sufi orders and particularly the Naqshbandi Order, and with the idea of refuting us and scattering us, attack us with the schemes with which they defeated the sufis." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For since the essence of the Risale-i Nur’s way is complete sincerity, and the giving up of egotism, and to search out and perceive the mercy within difficulties and the permanent pleasures within pains, and to point out the grievous pains within fleeting dissolute pleasures, and that belief is the means to innumerable pleasures in this world too, and to teach the points and truths that the hand of no philosophy can reach, God willing it will make al..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
152. satır: 152. satır:
And secondly: To publicize the faults of its leaders and followers.
And secondly: To publicize the faults of its leaders and followers.

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And thirdly: To corrupt them with the enticing vices and stupefying, pleasurable poisons of materialist  philosophy and civilization; and destroy their solidarity; and disparage their leaders with treacherous lies; and discredit their ways with some of the principles of science and  philosophy. They attacked us with the same weapons they used against the Naqshbandis and sufis, but they were deceived.
'''Ve sâlisen:''' Maddiyyun felsefesinin ve medeniyetinin cazibedar sefahet ve uyutucu, lezzetli zehirleriyle ifsad etmek ile mabeynlerinde tesanüdü kırmak ve üstadlarını ihanetlerle çürütmek ve mesleklerini fennin, felsefenin bazı düsturlarıyla nazarlarından sukut ettirmektir ki Nakşîlere ve ehl-i tarîkata karşı istimal ettikleri aynı silah ile bizlere hücum ettiler fakat aldandılar.

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For since the essence of the Risale-i Nur’s way is complete sincerity, and the giving up of egotism, and to search out and perceive  the mercy within  difficulties and the permanent pleasures within pains, and to point out the grievous pains within fleeting dissolute pleasures, and that belief is the means to innumerable pleasures in this world too, and to teach the points and truths that the hand of no philosophy can reach, God willing it will make all their plans come to nothing, and showing that no comparison can be made between the way of the Risale-i Nur and the sufi orders, it will silence them utterly.
Çünkü '''Risale-i Nur’un meslek-i esası; ihlas-ı tam ve terk-i enaniyet ve zahmetlerde rahmeti ve elemlerde bâki lezzetleri hissedip aramak ve fâni ayn-ı lezzet-i sefihanede elîm elemleri göstermek ve imanın bu dünyada dahi hadsiz lezzetlere medar olmasını ve hiçbir felsefenin eli yetişmediği noktaları ve hakikatleri ders vermek olduğundan''', onların planlarını inşâallah tam akîm bırakacak ve meslek-i Risale-i Nur ise tarîkatlara kıyas edilmez diye onları susturacak.

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