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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, a subtle facet of this hidden grace is that all the Risale-i Nur students here are called “Hoja;” they are spoken of respectfully as “the hojas... the hojas.” There is a further subtle allusion in this, that just as this prison has turned into a medrese (religious school), so the Risale-i Nur students have all become teachers, and thanks to these hojas the other prisons will also all become schools, God willing." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fourthly:''' Seeing with very little expense true friends more compassionate than brothers, and brothers of the hereafter like spiritual guides, here in the workless, compounded physical and spiritual winter of this School of Joseph, which is a department of the Medresetü’-Zehra; and visiting them, profiting from their personal qualities, and receiving strength from their fine characteristics, which like light are diffused through transparent obj..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, a subtle facet of this hidden grace is that all the Risale-i Nur students here are called “Hoja;” they are spoken of respectfully as “the hojas... the hojas.” There is a further subtle allusion in this, that just as this prison has turned into a medrese (religious school), so the Risale-i Nur students have all become teachers, and thanks to these hojas the other prisons will also all become schools, God willing." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
337. satır: 337. satır:
'''Fourthly:''' Seeing with very little expense true friends more compassionate than brothers, and brothers of the hereafter like spiritual guides, here in the workless, compounded physical and spiritual winter of this School of Joseph, which  is a department of the Medresetü’-Zehra; and visiting them, profiting from their personal qualities, and receiving  strength from their fine characteristics, which like light are diffused through transparent objects, and from their spiritual assistance, joy, and consolation; all changes the form of this calamity, making it a sort of veil to Divine grace.
'''Fourthly:''' Seeing with very little expense true friends more compassionate than brothers, and brothers of the hereafter like spiritual guides, here in the workless, compounded physical and spiritual winter of this School of Joseph, which  is a department of the Medresetü’-Zehra; and visiting them, profiting from their personal qualities, and receiving  strength from their fine characteristics, which like light are diffused through transparent objects, and from their spiritual assistance, joy, and consolation; all changes the form of this calamity, making it a sort of veil to Divine grace.

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Yes, a subtle facet of this hidden grace is that all the Risale-i Nur students here are called “Hoja;” they are spoken of respectfully as “the hojas... the hojas.” There is a further subtle allusion in this,  that  just  as  this prison has turned into  a medrese (religious school), so the Risale-i Nur students have all become teachers, and thanks to these hojas the other prisons will also all become schools, God willing.
Evet, bu gizli inayetin bir latîf zarafetidir ki bütün buraya gelen Risale-i Nur talebelerine “Hocalar” namı verilmiş. Herkes lisanında “Hocalar, hocalar” diye hürmetle yâd ediyorlar. Bu zarafet içinde latîf bir işaret var ki bu hapis medreseye döndüğü gibi Risale-i Nur şakirdleri dahi birer müderris, muallim ve sair hapishaneler de bu hocaların sayesinde inşâallah birer mektep hükmüne geçeceklerdir.

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