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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"During the Great War, I was being held as a prisoner together with ninety officers in a long dormitory in northern Russia. Since they had a regard for me far higher than was my due, through my advice to them, I did not allow any noise or trouble. But then, irascibility arising from the constraints and irritations began to give rise to violent rows. I told three or four of them that whenever they heard a noisy dispute, to go and help those in the wro..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In His Name, be He glorified!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("During the Great War, I was being held as a prisoner together with ninety officers in a long dormitory in northern Russia. Since they had a regard for me far higher than was my due, through my advice to them, I did not allow any noise or trouble. But then, irascibility arising from the constraints and irritations began to give rise to violent rows. I told three or four of them that whenever they heard a noisy dispute, to go and help those in the wro..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
520. satır: 520. satır:

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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In His Name, be He glorified!
بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ

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<span id="Aziz,_sıddık_kardeşlerim!"></span>
=== Aziz, sıddık kardeşlerim! ===
===My Dear, Loyal Brothers!===

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Beware! Do not dispute among yourselves, spying ears will take advantage of it. Right or wrong, those who argue in our situation are wrong. Even if they are right to one degree, by disputing they could cause us untold harm. I shall repeat a story I once told my irritable brothers in Eskişehir Prison.
Sakın sakın münakaşa etmeyiniz, casus kulaklar istifade ederler. Haklı olsa haksız olsa bu halimizde münakaşa eden haksızdır. Bir dirhem hakkı varsa münakaşa ile bin dirhem bizlere zararı dokunabilir. Bir zaman Eskişehir hapsinde titiz kardeşlerime söylediğim bir hikâyeyi tekrar ediyorum:

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During the Great War, I was being held as a prisoner together with ninety officers in a long dormitory in northern Russia. Since they had a regard for me far higher than was my due, through my advice to them, I did not allow any noise or trouble. But then, irascibility arising  from the constraints  and irritations  began to give rise to  violent rows. I told three or four of them that whenever they heard a noisy dispute, to go and help those in the wrong. They did this, and the damaging rows ceased. They asked me why I had taken such unjust precautions, and I told them: “A person who is in the right, is fair; he will sacrifice his one ‘dirhem’s’ worth of right for the general peace, which is worth a hundred ‘dirhems.’ Those in the wrong are mostly egotistical; they will sacrifice nothing, so the din increases.
Eski Harb-i Umumî’de Rusya’nın şimalinde doksan zabitimiz ile beraber bir uzun koğuşta esir olarak bulunuyorduk. O zatların bana karşı haddimden çok ziyade teveccühleri bulunmasından, nasihatle gürültülere meydan vermezdim. Fakat birden asabiyet ve sıkıntıdan gelen bir titizlik, şiddetli münakaşalara sebebiyet vermeye başladı. Ben de üç dört adama dedim: “Siz nerede gürültü işitseniz, gidiniz haksıza yardım ediniz.” Onlar dahi öyle yaptılar, zararlı münakaşalar kalktı. Benden sordular: “Neden bu haksız tedbiri yaptın?” Dedim: '''Haklı adam, insaflı olur; bir dirhem hakkını, istirahat-i umumînin yüz dirhem menfaatine feda eder. Haksız ise ekseriyetle enaniyetli olur, feda etmez, gürültü çoğalır.'''

My Brothers! You should repeatedly and carefully read the pieces in the treatise containing the
My Brothers! You should repeatedly and carefully read the pieces in the treatise containing the