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On Üçüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In a Hadith it says: “For one person to come to believe through you is better for you than a plainful of red sheep and goats.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Jihad, 102; Abu Da’ud, ‘Ilm, 10; Darimi, ‘IIm, 10; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, vi,359, No: 9609.</ref>)You should think therefore of all the people here, in the court, and in Ankara, whose belief has been saved, and will be saved, from ghastly doubts through your writings and your service,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("ten years an enjoyable, pleasant, beneficial, sacred service and elevated worship and reflection with the intention of saving both one’s own belief and that of others, is a cause of pride and thanks." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In a Hadith it says: “For one person to come to believe through you is better for you than a plainful of red sheep and goats.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Jihad, 102; Abu Da’ud, ‘Ilm, 10; Darimi, ‘IIm, 10; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, vi,359, No: 9609.</ref>)You should think therefore of all the people here, in the court, and in Ankara, whose belief has been saved, and will be saved, from ghastly doubts through your writings and your service,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
797. satır: 797. satır:
ten years an enjoyable, pleasant, beneficial, sacred service and elevated worship and reflection with the intention of saving both one’s own belief and that of others, is a cause of pride and thanks.
ten years an enjoyable, pleasant, beneficial, sacred service and elevated worship and reflection with the intention of saving both one’s own belief and that of others, is a cause of pride and thanks.

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In a Hadith it says: “For one person to come  to  believe  through  you  is  better  for  you  than  a  plainful  of  red  sheep  and goats.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Jihad, 102; Abu Da’ud, ‘Ilm, 10; Darimi, ‘IIm, 10; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, vi,359, No: 9609.</ref>)You should think therefore of all the people here, in the court, and in Ankara, whose belief has been saved, and will be saved, from ghastly doubts  through your writings and your service, and offer thanks in patience and with resignation.
Bir hadîste ferman etmiş ki: “'''Bir tek adam seninle hidayete gelse sahra dolusu kırmızı koyun, keçilerden daha hayırlıdır.'''” İşte burada, mahkemede ve Ankara’da, sizlerin yazılarınız ve hizmetleriniz vasıtasıyla ne kadar insanlar imanlarını dehşetli şüphelerden kurtardığını ve kurtaracağını düşününüz, sabır içinde kemal-i rıza ile şükrediniz.

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If the Republican People’s Party, which governs in Ankara, obstinately opposes the powerful parts of the Risale-i Nur which go there, and does not attempt  to  protect it with the intention of being conciliatory,  the most comfortable place for us is  prison. It is a sign that the atheists have combined communism and atheism, and the Government is obliged to heed them. In which case, the Risale-i Nur would draw back and halt, and calamities, material and immaterial, would begin their onslaught.
Eğer Ankara’da hâkim olan Halk Partisi, oraya giden Risale-i Nur’un kuvvetli kitaplarına karşı inat etse ve musalaha niyetiyle himayesine çalışmazsa bizim en rahat yerimiz hapistir ve mülhidler, Bolşevizm’i zındıka ile birleştirdiğine alâmettir ve hükûmet onları dinlemeye mecbur olur. O zaman Risale-i Nur çekilir, tevakkuf eder, maddî ve manevî musibetler hücuma başlarlar.

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