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On Dördüncü Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Eighth:''' Last year the Russians sent numerous people to make the Hajj as propaganda in order to show that they are more respectful towards the Qur’an than other nations and, because of religion, to try to turn the Islamic world against the religious people of this country." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Seventh:''' As I stated in the previous trials putting forward the proofs, our enemies and those who oppose us both officially and unofficially, deceiving the Government, making some of its leading members suspicious about us and causing the judiciary to move against us, are either seriously deceived or have been deceived by others, or are exceedingly treacherous revolutionaries working on account of anarchy, or cunning atheists struggling aga..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Eighth:''' Last year the Russians sent numerous people to make the Hajj as propaganda in order to show that they are more respectful towards the Qur’an than other nations and, because of religion, to try to turn the Islamic world against the religious people of this country." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
44. satır: 44. satır:
'''The Seventh:''' As I stated in the previous trials putting forward the proofs, our enemies and those who  oppose us both officially and unofficially,  deceiving  the Government, making some of its leading members suspicious about us and causing the judiciary to move against us, are either seriously deceived or have been deceived by others, or are exceedingly treacherous revolutionaries working on account of anarchy, or cunning atheists  struggling against Islam and the truths of the Qur’an on account of apostasy. Calling absolute despotism “the Republic” in order to attack us, and making the regime a screen to absolute apostasy, and calling absolute dissipation “civilization,” and calling arbitrary  compulsion on account of disbelief “the law,” they have both ruined us, and deceived the Government, and preoccupied the judiciary with us for no reason. Referring them to the wrath of the All-Compelling and Glorious One, we take refuge in the citadel of For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs so as to defend ourselves against their evil.
'''The Seventh:''' As I stated in the previous trials putting forward the proofs, our enemies and those who  oppose us both officially and unofficially,  deceiving  the Government, making some of its leading members suspicious about us and causing the judiciary to move against us, are either seriously deceived or have been deceived by others, or are exceedingly treacherous revolutionaries working on account of anarchy, or cunning atheists  struggling against Islam and the truths of the Qur’an on account of apostasy. Calling absolute despotism “the Republic” in order to attack us, and making the regime a screen to absolute apostasy, and calling absolute dissipation “civilization,” and calling arbitrary  compulsion on account of disbelief “the law,” they have both ruined us, and deceived the Government, and preoccupied the judiciary with us for no reason. Referring them to the wrath of the All-Compelling and Glorious One, we take refuge in the citadel of For us God suffices, and He is the Best Disposer of Affairs so as to defend ourselves against their evil.

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'''The Eighth:''' Last year the Russians sent numerous people to make the Hajj as propaganda in order to show that they are more respectful towards the Qur’an than other  nations and, because of religion, to try to turn the Islamic world against the religious people  of this country.
'''Sekizincisi:''' Geçen sene Ruslar, çoklukla hacıları hacca gönderip onlar ile propaganda yapıp ki Ruslar başka milletlerden ziyade Kur’an’a hürmetkâr diye âlem-i İslâm’ı din noktasında bu vatandaki dindar millet aleyhine çevirmeye çalıştığı aynı zamanda; Risale-i Nur’un büyük mecmuaları hem Mekke-i Mükerreme’de hem Medine-i Münevvere’de hem Şam-ı Şerif’te hem Mısır’da hem Halep’te âlimlerin takdirleri altında kısmen intişarlarıyla, o komünist propagandasını kırdığı gibi âlem-i İslâm’a gösterdi ki:

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