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On Beşinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Fifthly: The coming into being of the members of a species which are far from each other, with one in the east, one in the west, one in the north, and one in the south, in the same way, both resembling each other and differing, could occur only through the infinite power of One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful Who governs the whole universe, and through His infinite knowledge, which encompasses all beings together with all their states, thus..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thirdly: Creations which are of the finest balance and measure despite being made with absolute speed, point to a boundless knowledge and testify to their number to One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Fifthly: The coming into being of the members of a species which are far from each other, with one in the east, one in the west, one in the north, and one in the south, in the same way, both resembling each other and differing, could occur only through the infinite power of One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful Who governs the whole universe, and through His infinite knowledge, which encompasses all beings together with all their states, thus..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
834. satır: 834. satır:
One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful.
One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful.

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Fourthly: The making of innumerable animate beings on the broad face of the earth with the greatest craft, adornment, and beauty of art despite their wide extent, points  to  an  all-encompassing  knowledge  which  confusing  nothing,  sees  all things together, and for  which  nothing is an obstacle to anything else. It testifies too that singly  and  altogether  they  are  the  artefacts  of  One  Knowing  of  All  Things, an Absolutely Powerful One.
'''Râbian:''' Gayet geniş bütün zemin yüzünde hadsiz zîhayatların vüs’at-i mutlaka ile beraber gayet sanatkârane, süslü, kemal-i hüsn-ü sanat ile yapılmaları; hiç şaşırmayan, her şeyi beraber gören, bir şeyi bir şeye mani olmayan bir ihatalı ilme delâlet ve bir Alîm-i külli şey ve Kadîr-i Mutlak’ın masnûları olduklarına her biri ve beraber şehadet ederler.

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Fifthly: The coming into being of the members of a species which are far from each other, with one in the east, one in the west, one in the north, and one in the south, in the same way, both resembling each other and differing, could occur only through the infinite power of One Absolutely Knowing and Absolutely Powerful Who governs the whole universe, and through His infinite knowledge, which encompasses all beings together  with all their  states, thus pointing  to  an all-encompassing  knowledge and testifies to One All-Knowing of the Unseen.
'''Hâmisen:''' Bu’d-u mutlak ve birbirinden gayet uzak bir nevin efradı; biri şarkta, biri garpta, biri şimalde, biri cenupta, aynı zamanda, aynı tarzda birbirinin misli ve birbirinden teşahhusça imtiyazlı bir surette vücuda gelmeleri ancak bir Alîm-i Mutlak ve Kadîr-i Mutlak’ın kâinatı idare eden hadsiz kudreti ve bütün mevcudatı ahvaliyle ihata eden nihayetsiz ilmiyle olabilmesi cihetiyle, muhit bir ilme delâlet ve bir Allâmü’l-guyub’a hadsiz şehadet ederler.

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