("They have thus opened for themselves the door of in every way impossible and precluded superstitions, which no mind, and not even delusion, could accept. For example, in that case, every single particle of every animate creature would have to be ascribed an infinite power, knowledge, and eye that sees everything, and power sufficient to execute every art and skill." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu) |
("Thus, by not accepting a single God, they are bound by their ways to accept gods to the number of particles, and thus deserve to enter among the lowest of the low of Hell.As for the people of guidance, the powerful truths and irrefutable proofs of the above ‘Steps’ afford to their sound hearts and straight minds the firmest conviction and most powerful belief and assent at the level of ‘the vision of certainty,’ so that they believe without dou..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu) |
991. satır: | 991. satır: | ||
They have thus opened for themselves the door of in every way impossible and precluded superstitions, which no mind, and not even delusion, could accept. For example, in that case, every single particle of every animate creature would have to be ascribed an infinite power, knowledge, and eye that sees everything, and power sufficient to execute every art and skill. | They have thus opened for themselves the door of in every way impossible and precluded superstitions, which no mind, and not even delusion, could accept. For example, in that case, every single particle of every animate creature would have to be ascribed an infinite power, knowledge, and eye that sees everything, and power sufficient to execute every art and skill. | ||
Thus, by not accepting a single God, they are bound by their ways to accept gods to the number of particles, and thus deserve to enter among the lowest of the low of Hell.As for the people of guidance, the powerful truths and irrefutable proofs of the above ‘Steps’ afford to their sound hearts and straight minds the firmest conviction and most powerful belief and assent at the level of ‘the vision of certainty,’ so that they believe without doubt or misgiving and with peace of mind that in relation to Divine power there is no difference between stars and particles, or the smallest and the largest, for all these wondrous things occur before our very eyes. And every marvel of art confirms the assertion of the verse,Your creation and your resurrection is but as a single soul,and testifies that what it states is pure truth and reality, and through the tongues of their beings they declare: “God is Most Great!” We too declare: “God is Most Great!” to their number. And with all our strength and conviction we affirm the verse’s claim, and we testify with innumerable proofs that what it states is pure truth and reality. | |||
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