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On Beşinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As indicated by his making the lights and knowledge of Muhammad (PBUH) and radiance of the Divine Candle (Qur’an) shine most brilliantly, and the mathematical significances of the Qur’an and Hadith being fulfilled in him, and the mathematical expositions of verses expressing the prophetic utterances concentrating on himself, there is no doubt that he was a burnished mirror to the Divine Messengership in serving the cause of belief, and the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated, answered absolutely correctly and without hesitation just about all the questions posed to him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety and profundity of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As indicated by his making the lights and knowledge of Muhammad (PBUH) and radiance of the Divine Candle (Qur’an) shine most brilliantly, and the mathematical significances of the Qur’an and Hadith being fulfilled in him, and the mathematical expositions of verses expressing the prophetic utterances concentrating on himself, there is no doubt that he was a burnished mirror to the Divine Messengership in serving the cause of belief, and the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.014. satır: 1.014. satır:
As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated,  answered  absolutely  correctly  and  without  hesitation  just  about  all  the questions posed to  him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the  effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety  and  profundity  of  his  exposition,  the  conciseness  and  loftiness  of  his explanations,  and  his  insight,  perspicacity  and  light  of wisdom,  he  astonished  the scholars and learned, deservedly earning the illustrious title of ‘Bediuzzaman’ (Wonder of  the  Age).  As  someone  who  with  his  elevated  qualities  and  scholarly  virtues propagated and proved most perfectly the religion of Muhammad (PBUH), he surely received the highest favours of the Lord of the Prophets (PBUH), and was under his lofty protection and auspices. Doubtless he was one of noble virtue who advanced at the decree of the Most Holy Prophet (PBUH), and acted under his command, and was the heir to his truths and reflected his lights.
As a matchless scholar, an extraordinary prodigy, challenging the whole world of learning before reaching the age of puberty, he silenced all the scholars with whom he debated,  answered  absolutely  correctly  and  without  hesitation  just  about  all  the questions posed to  him, bore the mantle of ‘master’ from the age of fourteen, and continuously irradiated the  effulgence of knowledge and light of wisdom. With the subtlety  and  profundity  of  his  exposition,  the  conciseness  and  loftiness  of  his explanations,  and  his  insight,  perspicacity  and  light  of wisdom,  he  astonished  the scholars and learned, deservedly earning the illustrious title of ‘Bediuzzaman’ (Wonder of  the  Age).  As  someone  who  with  his  elevated  qualities  and  scholarly  virtues propagated and proved most perfectly the religion of Muhammad (PBUH), he surely received the highest favours of the Lord of the Prophets (PBUH), and was under his lofty protection and auspices. Doubtless he was one of noble virtue who advanced at the decree of the Most Holy Prophet (PBUH), and acted under his command, and was the heir to his truths and reflected his lights.

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As indicated by his making the lights and knowledge of Muhammad (PBUH) and radiance  of the Divine Candle (Qur’an) shine most brilliantly, and the mathematical significances of  the  Qur’an and Hadith being fulfilled in him, and the mathematical expositions of verses  expressing  the prophetic utterances concentrating on himself, there is no doubt that  he was a burnished  mirror  to  the Divine Messengership  in serving the cause of belief, and the final luminous fruit of the tree of Messengership, and the final mouth of reality in respect of the legacy of the tongue of Messengership, and a final happy bearer of ‘the Divine Candle’ in respect of serving belief.
Envar-ı Muhammediyeyi (asm) ve maarif-i Ahmediyeyi (asm) ve füyuzat-ı şem’-i İlahîyi en müşa’şa bir şekilde parlatması ve Kur’anî ve hadîsî olan işarat-ı riyaziyenin kendisinde müntehî olması ve hitabat-ı Nebeviyeyi (asm) ifade eden âyât-ı celilenin riyazî beyanlarının kendi üzerinde toplanması delâletleriyle, o zat hizmet-i imaniye noktasında risaletin bir mir’at-ı mücellası ve şecere-i risaletin bir son meyve-i münevveri ve lisan-ı risaletin irsiyet noktasında son dehan-ı hakikati ve şem’-i İlahînin hizmet-i imaniye cihetinde bir son hâmil-i zîsaadeti olduğuna şüphe yoktur.

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