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Yirmidokuzuncu Lem'adan İkinci Bâb/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"It is known through belief that God’s existence is a bounty surpassing all other bounties, a great bounty which is a source, a fountain, containing endless varieties of bounties, innumerable sorts of blessings, and uncountable kinds of gifts. It is consequently incumbent on man and a debt to offer praise and laudation for the bounties of belief to the number of particles in the world. A number of these have been shown in various..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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("It is known through belief that God’s existence is a bounty surpassing all other bounties, a great bounty which is a source, a fountain, containing endless varieties of bounties, innumerable sorts of blessings, and uncountable kinds of gifts. It is consequently incumbent on man and a debt to offer praise and laudation for the bounties of belief to the number of particles in the world. A number of these have been shown in various..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
102. satır: 102. satır:
One of the bounties for which praise should be offered with all the praise that the phrase “All praise be to God!” indicates with the ‘Lam of specification,’ (*<ref>*‘Lam of specification’; that is, the li in al-hamdulillah. [Tr.]</ref>)is the bounty of Divine  mercy.Indeed, mercy comprises bounties to the number of living beings which manifest Divine mercy. For man in particular is connected with  all  living creatures, and in this respect is gladdened by their happiness and saddened by their pain. Thus, a bounty found in a single individual is a bounty also for his fellows.
One of the bounties for which praise should be offered with all the praise that the phrase “All praise be to God!” indicates with the ‘Lam of specification,’ (*<ref>*‘Lam of specification’; that is, the li in al-hamdulillah. [Tr.]</ref>)is the bounty of Divine  mercy.Indeed, mercy comprises bounties to the number of living beings which manifest Divine mercy. For man in particular is connected with  all  living creatures, and in this respect is gladdened by their happiness and saddened by their pain. Thus, a bounty found in a single individual is a bounty also for his fellows.

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Another which comprises bounties to the number of children which are blessed with  their  mother’s  tenderness, and which deserves praise and laudation, is Divine compassion. Yes, a person with conscience who feels sorrow and pity at the weeping of a motherless, hungry child, surely feels pleasure at a mother’s compassion for her child, surely he is pleased and happy. Thus, pleasures of this sort are each a bounty and require praise and thanks.
Ve keza validelerin şefkatleriyle nimetlenen çocukların sayısınca nimetleri tazammun edip ona göre hamdlere, senalara kesb-i istihkak edenlerden birisi de '''rahîmiyet'''tir. Evet, annesiz aç bir çocuğun ağlamasından müteessir ve acıyan bir vicdan sahibi, elbette validelerin çocuklarına olan şefkatlerinden zevk alır, memnun ve mahzuz olur. İşte bu gibi zevkler birer nimettir, hamd ve şükür isterler.

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Another of the bounties  requiring  praise  and thanks  to the number of all the varieties and instances of wisdom contained in the universe is Divine wisdom. For just as man’s self is endowed with the manifestation of Divine mercy and his heart with the manifestation of Divine compassion, so too does his intellect take pleasure at the subtleties of  Divine wisdom. So in this respect they require endless praise and laudation through the declaring of “All praise be to God!”
Ve keza kâinatta mündemic hikmetlerin bütün enva ve efradı adedince hamd ve şükürleri iktiza edenlerden birisi de '''hakîmiyet'''tir. Zira insanın nefsi, rahmaniyetin cilveleriyle, kalbi de rahîmiyetin tecelliyatıyla nimetlendikleri gibi; insanın aklı da hakîmiyetin letaifiyle zevk alır, telezzüz eder. İşte bu itibarla ağız dolusuyla “Elhamdülillah” söylemekle hamd ü senaları istilzam eder.

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Another is the bounty of preservation, for which praise should be offered to the number of manifestations  of the Divine Name of Inheritor, and the number of des- cendants who endure after the passing of their forbears, and the number of the beings of the next world, and the number of men’s actions which are preserved so as to be the means of their receiving their rewards in the hereafter; praise should be offered with so great an “All praise be to God!” that it fills all space with its sound. For the continu- ation of a bounty is more valuable than the bounty itself. The perpetuation of pleasure is more pleasurable than the pleasure itself. To abide permanently in Paradise is su- perior to Paradise itself; and so on. Consequently, the bounties which Almighty God’s attribute of Preserver comprise are greater and far superior to all the bounties existent in all the universe. Thus, this attribute requires an “All praise be to God!” as great as the world.
Ve keza esma-i hüsnadan “Vâris” isminin tecelliyatı adedince ve babalar gibi usûlün zevalinden sonra bâki kalan füruatın sayısınca ve âlem-i âhiretin mevcudatı adedince ve uhrevî mükâfatları almaya medar olmak üzere hıfzedilen beşerin amelleri sayısınca, sadâsıyla şu fezayı dolduracak kadar büyük bir “Elhamdülillah” ile hamdedilecek '''hafîziyet''' nimetidir. Çünkü nimetin devamı, nimetin zatından daha kıymetlidir. Lezzetin bekası, lezzetten daha lezizdir. Cennette devam, cennetin fevkindedir ve hâkeza… Binaenaleyh Cenab-ı Hakk’ın hafîziyeti tazammun ettiği nimetler, bütün kâinatta mevcud bütün nimetlerden daha çok ve daha üstündedir. Bu itibarla ağız dolusu ile bir “Elhamdülillah” ister.

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You can compare the rest of the Divine Names with the four  mentioned here, and since in each are endless bounties, each requires endless praise and thanks.
Şu zikredilen dört isme bâki kalan esma-i hüsnayı kıyas et ki her bir isminde sonsuz nimetler bulunduğu için sonsuz hamdleri, şükürleri istilzam ederler.

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Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), who is the means of attaining the bounty of belief and has the authority to open all the treasuries of bounty, is also such a bounty that mankind bears for all eternity the debt of praising and applauding him.
Ve keza bütün nimet hazinelerini açmak salahiyetinde olan nimet-i imana vesile olan '''Hazret-i Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâm''' dahi öyle büyük bir nimettir ki nev-i beşer ile’l-ebed o zatı (asm) medh ü sena etmeye borçludur.

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Likewise, the bounties of Islam and the Qur’an, which are the index and source of all varieties of bounties, material and spiritual, require and deserve unending, infinite praise.
Ve keza maddî ve manevî bütün nimetlerin envaına fihriste ve kaynak olan '''İslâmiyet''' ve '''Kur’an''' nimeti de gayr-ı mütenahî hamdleri bi’l-istihkak istilzam eder.

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