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Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"You know that if misguidance arises from ignorance, it is easy to dispel. Whereas if it results from science and learning, it is difficult to eliminate. In former times, only one person in a thousand was in the latter category, and only one in a thousand such people would be reformed through guidance. For such people fancy themselves. They do not know, but they think they do know. I think that Almighty God has bestowed the Words at this time, which..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, people who have studied the thirty-three Words closely state that they have opened up just such a Qur’anic way. Since this is a fact, I am of the opinion that the Words so far written about the mysteries of the Qur’an are a most appropriate medicine and salve for the wounds of this time, and a most beneficial light for Islam as a whole, which has been subject to the assaults of darkness, and a most right guide for those wandering bewilder..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("You know that if misguidance arises from ignorance, it is easy to dispel. Whereas if it results from science and learning, it is difficult to eliminate. In former times, only one person in a thousand was in the latter category, and only one in a thousand such people would be reformed through guidance. For such people fancy themselves. They do not know, but they think they do know. I think that Almighty God has bestowed the Words at this time, which..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
27. satır: 27. satır:
Thus, people who have studied the thirty-three Words closely state that they have opened up just such a Qur’anic way. Since this is a fact, I am of the opinion that the Words so far written  about  the  mysteries  of the Qur’an  are a most  appropriate medicine and salve for the wounds of this time, and a most beneficial light for Islam as a whole, which has been subject to the assaults of darkness, and a most right guide for those wandering bewildered in the valleys of misguidance.
Thus, people who have studied the thirty-three Words closely state that they have opened up just such a Qur’anic way. Since this is a fact, I am of the opinion that the Words so far written  about  the  mysteries  of the Qur’an  are a most  appropriate medicine and salve for the wounds of this time, and a most beneficial light for Islam as a whole, which has been subject to the assaults of darkness, and a most right guide for those wandering bewildered in the valleys of misguidance.

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You know that if misguidance arises from ignorance, it is easy to dispel. Whereas if it results from science and learning, it is difficult to eliminate. In former times, only one person in a thousand was in the latter category, and only one in a thousand such people would be reformed through guidance. For such people fancy themselves. They do not know, but they think they do know. I think that Almighty God has bestowed the  Words at  this  time, which  are  flashes  of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, as  an antidote to this atheistic misguidance.
Bilirsiniz ki: Eğer dalalet cehaletten gelse izalesi kolaydır. Fakat dalalet, fenden ve ilimden gelse izalesi müşküldür. Eski zamanda ikinci kısım, binde bir bulunuyordu. Bulunanlardan ancak binden biri irşad ile yola gelebilirdi. Çünkü öyleler kendilerini beğeniyorlar hem bilmiyorlar hem kendilerini bilir zannediyorlar. Cenab-ı Hak şu zamanda, i’caz-ı Kur’an’ın manevî lemaatından olan malûm Sözler’i, şu dalalet zındıkasına bir tiryak hâsiyetini vermiş tasavvurundayım.

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The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!
اَل۟بَاقٖى هُوَ ال۟بَاقٖى

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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