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On İkinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"==THIRD QUESTION== Almighty God sends calamities and inflicts tribulations; isn’t this an injustice towards the innocent in particular, and animals even?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, through the sending of prophets and the mystery of man’s accountability, and through striving and fighting with satans, in return for the hundreds of thousands of prophets and millions of saints and thousands of millions of purified scholars they have gained, who are like the suns, moons, and stars of the world of humanity, mankind has lost the unbelievers and dissemblers, who are numerous in regard to quantity, insignificant in regard..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("==THIRD QUESTION== Almighty God sends calamities and inflicts tribulations; isn’t this an injustice towards the innocent in particular, and animals even?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
51. satır: 51. satır:
Thus, through the sending of prophets and the mystery of man’s accountability, and through striving and fighting with satans, in return for the hundreds of thousands of prophets and millions of saints and thousands of millions of purified scholars they have  gained,  who  are  like  the  suns,  moons,  and  stars of the world  of humanity, mankind has lost the  unbelievers and dissemblers, who are numerous in regard to quantity, insignificant in regard to quality, and like pernicious beasts.
Thus, through the sending of prophets and the mystery of man’s accountability, and through striving and fighting with satans, in return for the hundreds of thousands of prophets and millions of saints and thousands of millions of purified scholars they have  gained,  who  are  like  the  suns,  moons,  and  stars of the world  of humanity, mankind has lost the  unbelievers and dissemblers, who are numerous in regard to quantity, insignificant in regard to quality, and like pernicious beasts.

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== Üçüncü Sualiniz ==
Almighty God sends calamities and inflicts tribulations; isn’t this an injustice towards the innocent in particular, and animals even?
Cenab-ı Hak musibetleri veriyor, belaları musallat ediyor. Hususan masumlara hattâ hayvanlara bu zulüm değil mi?

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