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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As for the Companions, due to the reflection, attraction, and elixir of the company of prophethood, they were not obliged to traverse the vast sphere of spiritual journeying of the Sufi way. They were able to pass from the apparent to reality in one step,through one conversation with the Prophet (UWBP)." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Companions’ sainthood, known as the greater sainthood, is one that proceeds from the legacy of prophethood, and passing directly from the apparent to realit y without travelling the intermediate path, looks to the unfolding of divine immediacy. Although this way of sainthood is very short, it is extremely elevated. Its wonders are few, but its virtues are many. Illuminations and wonder-workings are to be encountered on it only infreque..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As for the Companions, due to the reflection, attraction, and elixir of the company of prophethood, they were not obliged to traverse the vast sphere of spiritual journeying of the Sufi way. They were able to pass from the apparent to reality in one step,through one conversation with the Prophet (UWBP)." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
17. satır: 17. satır:
The Companions’ sainthood, known as the greater sainthood, is one that proceeds from the  legacy of prophethood, and passing directly from the apparent to realit y without travelling the intermediate path, looks to the unfolding of divine immediacy. Although this way of sainthood is very short, it is extremely elevated. Its wonders are few,  but  its  virtues  are  many.  Illuminations  and  wonder-workings  are  to  be encountered on it only infrequently.
The Companions’ sainthood, known as the greater sainthood, is one that proceeds from the  legacy of prophethood, and passing directly from the apparent to realit y without travelling the intermediate path, looks to the unfolding of divine immediacy. Although this way of sainthood is very short, it is extremely elevated. Its wonders are few,  but  its  virtues  are  many.  Illuminations  and  wonder-workings  are  to  be encountered on it only infrequently.

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Moreover, the wonder-working of the saints is mostly involuntary; wonders appear from  them  unexpectedly as a divine bestowal. And  the  majority  of  such  illuminations  and  wonder-workings  occur  during  their spiritual journeying, as they traverse the intermediate  realm of the Sufi path; they manifest those extra-ordinary states because they have  withdrawn to a degree from ordinary humanity.
Hem evliyanın kerametleri ise ekserisi ihtiyarî değil. Ummadığı yerden, ikram-ı İlahî olarak bir hârika ondan zuhur eder. Bu keşif ve kerametlerin ekserisi de seyr ü sülûk zamanında, tarîkat berzahından geçtikleri vakit, âdi beşeriyetten bir derece tecerrüd ettiklerinden hilaf-ı âdet hâlâta mazhar olurlar.

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As for the Companions, due to the reflection, attraction, and elixir of the company of prophethood, they were not obliged to traverse the vast sphere of spiritual journeying of the Sufi way. They were able to pass from the apparent to reality in one step,through one conversation with the Prophet (UWBP).
Sahabeler ise sohbet-i nübüvvetin in’ikasıyla ve incizabıyla ve iksiriyle, tarîkattaki seyr ü sülûk daire-i azîminin tayyına mecbur değildirler. Bir kademde ve bir sohbette zâhirden hakikate geçebilirler.

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