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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:'''Our answer is that of the Prophet Jacob (UWP). That is, Jacob was asked: “How did you perceive the odour of Joseph’s shirt from Egypt when you did not see him in the well at Cana’an close by?” He replied: “This ability is like lightning; sometimes it appears and sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes we are as though seated on the highest spot and can see everwhere, and sometimes we can’t see even the arch of our foot.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''If it is asked:'''Why, with that piercing eye of sainthood of his, didn’t ‘Umar (May God be pleased with him) see his murderer, Firuz, who was with him, although while in the pulpit he said to one of his commanders called Sariya who was a month’s distance away, “Sariya! The mountain, the mountain!”,(*<ref>*Tabari, Ta’rikh al-‘Umam wa’l-Muluk, ii, 380; Abu Na’im, al-Dala’il, iii, 210, 211; Bayhaqi, Dala’il al-Nubuwwa, vi, 370; Su..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:'''Our answer is that of the Prophet Jacob (UWP). That is, Jacob was asked: “How did you perceive the odour of Joseph’s shirt from Egypt when you did not see him in the well at Cana’an close by?” He replied: “This ability is like lightning; sometimes it appears and sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes we are as though seated on the highest spot and can see everwhere, and sometimes we can’t see even the arch of our foot.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
43. satır: 43. satır:
‘Asqalani, al-Isaba, ii, 3; Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqa, 101; Suyuti, al-Durar al- Muntathira, 182, No: 462; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, ii, 380.</ref>)making Sariya hear it and in wondrous fashion causing a strategic victory – showing how penetrating his sight was?
‘Asqalani, al-Isaba, ii, 3; Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, al-Sawa’iq al-Muhriqa, 101; Suyuti, al-Durar al- Muntathira, 182, No: 462; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, ii, 380.</ref>)making Sariya hear it and in wondrous fashion causing a strategic victory – showing how penetrating his sight was?

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'''The Answer:'''Our answer is that of the Prophet Jacob (UWP). That is, Jacob was asked: “How did you perceive the odour of Joseph’s shirt from Egypt when you did not see  him in the well at Cana’an close by?” He replied: “This ability is like lightning; sometimes  it  appears and sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes we are as though seated on the highest spot and can see everwhere, and sometimes we can’t see even the arch of our foot.”
'''Elcevap:''' Hazret-i Yakub aleyhisselâmın verdiği cevap ile cevap veririz. (Hâşiye<ref>Haşiye: زِمِصْرَشْ بُوىِ پِــيرَاهَنْ شِنِيدِى
چِرَا دَرْ چَاهِ كَنْعَانَشْ نَدِيدِى
بَگُفْت اَحْوَالِ مَا بَرْقِ جِهَانَسْت
دَمِى پَيْدَاوُ دِيگَرْ دَمْ نِهَانَسْت
گَهِى بَرْ طَارُمِ اَعْلَى نِشِينَـمْ
گَهِى بَرْ پُشْتِ پَاىِ خُودْ نَبِينَـمْ</ref>) Yani Hazret-i Yakub’dan sorulmuş ki: “Ne için Mısır’dan gelen gömleğinin kokusunu işittin de yakınında bulunan Ken’an Kuyusu’ndaki Yusuf’u görmedin?” Cevaben demiş ki: “Bizim halimiz şimşekler gibidir; bazen görünür, bazen saklanır. Bazı vakit olur ki en yüksek mevkide oturup her tarafı görüyoruz gibi oluruz. Bazı vakitte de ayağımızın üstünü göremiyoruz.”

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