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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:''' That blessed person was deserving of weighty duties other than politics and rule.If he had been completely successful in politics and government, he would have been unable to acquire fully the meaningful title of King of Sainthood. Whereas he won a spiritual rule far surpassing the external, political Caliphate, and became a Universal Master; in fact, his spiritual rule will continue even until the end of the world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''If you ask:''' What was the reason for Imam ‘Ali’s lack of success in regard to the Islamic Caliphate relatively to his predecessors, despite his extraordinary capabilities, unusual intelligence, and great deservedness?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:''' That blessed person was deserving of weighty duties other than politics and rule.If he had been completely successful in politics and government, he would have been unable to acquire fully the meaningful title of King of Sainthood. Whereas he won a spiritual rule far surpassing the external, political Caliphate, and became a Universal Master; in fact, his spiritual rule will continue even until the end of the world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
77. satır: 77. satır:
'''If you ask:''' What was the reason for Imam ‘Ali’s lack of success in regard to the Islamic Caliphate  relatively to his predecessors, despite his  extraordinary capabilities, unusual intelligence, and great deservedness?
'''If you ask:''' What was the reason for Imam ‘Ali’s lack of success in regard to the Islamic Caliphate  relatively to his predecessors, despite his  extraordinary capabilities, unusual intelligence, and great deservedness?

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'''The Answer:''' That blessed person was deserving of weighty duties other than politics and rule.If he had  been completely successful in politics and government, he would have been unable to acquire fully the meaningful title of King of Sainthood. Whereas he won a spiritual rule far surpassing the external, political Caliphate, and became a Universal Master; in fact, his spiritual rule will continue even until the end of the world.
'''Elcevap:''' O mübarek zat, siyaset ve saltanattan ziyade, daha çok mühim başka vazifelere lâyık idi. Eğer tam muvaffakiyet-i siyasiye ve tamam saltanat olsaydı “Şah-ı Velayet” unvan-ı manidarını bihakkın kazanamayacaktı. Halbuki zâhirî ve siyasî hilafetin pek çok fevkinde manevî bir saltanat kazandı ve üstad-ı küll hükmüne geçti, hattâ kıyamete kadar saltanat-ı manevîsi bâki kaldı.

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