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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The wisdom in their tragic end from the point of view of divine determining was this: Hasan and Husain and their family and descendants were destined to hold spiritual rule. It is extremely difficult to bring together worldly rule and spiritual rule. Therefore, divine determining made them feel disgust at the world; it showed them its ugly face so that they should cease to feel any attachment to it in their hearts. They lost a temporary, superf..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''It was not Husain’s close supporters that harboured feelings of revenge towards the Arab nation, but members of other nations who had joined his community, out of their wounded national pride. They caused harm to the pure, shining creeds of Husain and his supporters, and were the cause of their defeat." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The wisdom in their tragic end from the point of view of divine determining was this: Hasan and Husain and their family and descendants were destined to hold spiritual rule. It is extremely difficult to bring together worldly rule and spiritual rule. Therefore, divine determining made them feel disgust at the world; it showed them its ugly face so that they should cease to feel any attachment to it in their hearts. They lost a temporary, superf..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
95. satır: 95. satır:
'''The Answer:'''It was not Husain’s close supporters that harboured feelings of revenge towards the Arab nation, but members of other nations who had joined his community, out of their wounded national pride. They caused harm to the pure, shining creeds of Husain and his supporters, and were the cause of their defeat.
'''The Answer:'''It was not Husain’s close supporters that harboured feelings of revenge towards the Arab nation, but members of other nations who had joined his community, out of their wounded national pride. They caused harm to the pure, shining creeds of Husain and his supporters, and were the cause of their defeat.

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The wisdom in their tragic end from the point of view of divine determining was this: Hasan and  Husain  and  their  family and descendants  were  destined  to  hold spiritual rule. It is extremely difficult to bring together worldly rule and spiritual rule. Therefore, divine determining made them feel disgust at the world; it showed them its ugly face so that they should cease to feel any attachment to it in their hearts. They lost  a temporary, superficial  rule,  but  were  appointed  to a splendid, permanent spiritual rule. They became the  authorities of the spiritual poles among the saints instead of commonplace governors.
Amma kader nokta-i nazarında feci âkıbetin hikmeti ise: Hasan ve Hüseyin ve onların hanedanları ve nesilleri, manevî bir saltanata namzet idiler. Dünya saltanatı ile manevî saltanatın cem’i gayet müşküldür. Onun için onları dünyadan küstürdü, dünyanın çirkin yüzünü gösterdi. Tâ kalben dünyaya karşı alâkaları kalmasın. Onların elleri muvakkat ve surî bir saltanattan çekildi fakat parlak ve daimî bir saltanat-ı maneviyeye tayin edildiler; âdi valiler yerine, evliya aktablarına merci oldular.

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