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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The four reasons mentioned above are outward and apparent. When considered from the point of view of divine determining, the results pertaining to the hereafter and spiritual rule and spiritual progress that the tradegy won for Husain and his relatives were of such high worth that the distress they suffered due to it was made easy and cheap. It resembled a soldier who dies after an hour’s torture and becomes a martyr: he attains a rank so high..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("The four reasons mentioned above are outward and apparent. When considered from the point of view of divine determining, the results pertaining to the hereafter and spiritual rule and spiritual progress that the tradegy won for Husain and his relatives were of such high worth that the distress they suffered due to it was made easy and cheap. It resembled a soldier who dies after an hour’s torture and becomes a martyr: he attains a rank so high..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
110. satır: 110. satır:
'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy.
'''A Fourth Reason:'''The Umayyads made Arab nationalism the basis of their rule, and they looked on the members of other nations – who were found among Husain’s supporters – as slaves. This had wounded their national pride. So, since the other nations had joined Husain’s community with mixed intentions and to take revenge, they felt excessively affronted at the Umayyad’s fanatic nationalism and were the cause of that terrible well-known tragedy.

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The four reasons mentioned above are outward and apparent. When considered from the point of view of divine determining, the results pertaining to the hereafter and  spiritual rule  and  spiritual progress  that  the  tradegy won  for  Husain and  his relatives were of such high worth that the distress they suffered due to it was made easy and cheap. It resembled a soldier who dies after an hour’s torture and becomes a martyr: he attains a rank so high that anyone else could reach it only if they strove for ten years. If the soldier were to be asked about it after he had died, he would reply that he had gained much for very little.
Mezkûr dört esbab, zâhirîdir. Kader noktasından bakıldığı vakit, Hazret-i Hüseyin ve akrabasına o facia sebebiyle hasıl olan netaic-i uhreviye ve saltanat-ı ruhaniye ve terakkiyat-ı maneviye o kadar kıymettardır ki o facia ile çektikleri zahmet, gayet kolay ve ucuz düşer. Nasıl ki bir nefer, bir saat işkence altında şehit edilse öyle bir mertebeyi bulur ki on sene başkası çalışsa ancak o mertebeyi bulur. Eğer o nefer şehit olduktan sonra ona sorulabilse “Az bir şey ile pek çok şeyler kazandım.” diyecektir.

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