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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Second Current:''' A tyrannical movement born of naturalist philos ophy will gradually grow strong at the end of time and spread by means of materialist philosophy, going so far as to deny God. A savage who does not recognize the king or accept that the officers and soldiers in the army are his soldiers ascribes a sort of kingship and rulership to everyone and to all the soldiers." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''One of them:''' Behind a screen of duplicity, a fearsome individual named the Sufyan will deny the messengership of Muhammad (UWBP), and coming to lead the dissemblers, will try to destroy the Islamic Shari‘a. To oppose him, a luminous individual called Muhammad Mahdi of the Family of the Prophet (UWBP) will assume leadership of the people of sainthood and perfection, who are bound to the luminous line of the Prophet’s (UWBP) Family, and he w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Second Current:''' A tyrannical movement born of naturalist philos ophy will gradually grow strong at the end of time and spread by means of materialist philosophy, going so far as to deny God. A savage who does not recognize the king or accept that the officers and soldiers in the army are his soldiers ascribes a sort of kingship and rulership to everyone and to all the soldiers." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
122. satır: 122. satır:
'''One of them:''' Behind a screen of duplicity, a fearsome individual named the Sufyan will deny the messengership of Muhammad (UWBP), and coming to lead the dissemblers,  will try to  destroy the  Islamic  Shari‘a. To oppose  him, a luminous individual called Muhammad Mahdi of the Family of the Prophet (UWBP) will assume leadership of the people of sainthood and perfection, who are bound to the luminous line of the Prophet’s (UWBP) Family, and he will kill the current of dissemblers, which will consist of the collective personality of the Sufyan, and scatter it.
'''One of them:''' Behind a screen of duplicity, a fearsome individual named the Sufyan will deny the messengership of Muhammad (UWBP), and coming to lead the dissemblers,  will try to  destroy the  Islamic  Shari‘a. To oppose  him, a luminous individual called Muhammad Mahdi of the Family of the Prophet (UWBP) will assume leadership of the people of sainthood and perfection, who are bound to the luminous line of the Prophet’s (UWBP) Family, and he will kill the current of dissemblers, which will consist of the collective personality of the Sufyan, and scatter it.

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'''The Second Current:''' A tyrannical movement born of naturalist philos ophy will gradually grow strong at the end of time and spread by means of materialist philosophy, going so far as to deny God. A savage who does not recognize the king or accept  that  the officers and soldiers in the army are his soldiers ascribes a sort of kingship and  rulership to everyone and to all the soldiers.
'''İkinci cereyan ise:''' Tabiiyyun, maddiyyun felsefesinden tevellüd eden bir cereyan-ı Nemrudane, gittikçe âhir zamanda felsefe-i maddiye vasıtasıyla intişar ederek kuvvet bulup uluhiyeti inkâr edecek bir dereceye gelir. Nasıl bir padişahı tanımayan ve ordudaki zabitan ve efrad onun askerleri olduğunu kabul etmeyen vahşi bir adam, herkese her askere bir nevi padişahlık ve bir gûna hâkimiyet verir.

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