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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In exile, a stranger, alone, with no one, I was barred from everything, from everyone, in a village that was unsuitable for someone like me to work for a livelihood. As a matter of fact, four years ago I repaired a tumble-down mosque. Although with the certificate I had from my own region to act an imam and preacher, I acted as imam in the mosque for four years (May God accept it), this past Ramadan I could not go there. Sometimes I performed the five..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Second Story:''' This year I heard that an incident had occurred. Although I only heard a brief account of it after it had happened, I was treated as though I had been closely connected with it. Anyway I hardly correspond with anyone, and if I do, I only write extremely rarely to a friend concerning some question of belief. In fact I have written only one letter to my brother in four years. Both I prevent myself from mixing with others, and the wo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In exile, a stranger, alone, with no one, I was barred from everything, from everyone, in a village that was unsuitable for someone like me to work for a livelihood. As a matter of fact, four years ago I repaired a tumble-down mosque. Although with the certificate I had from my own region to act an imam and preacher, I acted as imam in the mosque for four years (May God accept it), this past Ramadan I could not go there. Sometimes I performed the five..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
71. satır: 71. satır:
'''The Second Story:''' This year I heard that an incident had occurred. Although I only heard a brief account of it after it had happened, I was treated as though I had been closely connected with it. Anyway I hardly correspond with anyone, and if I do, I only write extremely rarely to a friend concerning some question of belief. In fact I have written only one letter to my brother in four years. Both I prevent myself from mixing with others, and the worldly prevent me. I have only been able to meet with one or two close friends once or twice a week. As for visitors to the village, once or twice a month perhaps one or two used to meet with me for one or two minutes concerning some matter to do with the hereafter.
'''The Second Story:''' This year I heard that an incident had occurred. Although I only heard a brief account of it after it had happened, I was treated as though I had been closely connected with it. Anyway I hardly correspond with anyone, and if I do, I only write extremely rarely to a friend concerning some question of belief. In fact I have written only one letter to my brother in four years. Both I prevent myself from mixing with others, and the worldly prevent me. I have only been able to meet with one or two close friends once or twice a week. As for visitors to the village, once or twice a month perhaps one or two used to meet with me for one or two minutes concerning some matter to do with the hereafter.

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In exile, a stranger, alone, with no one, I was barred from everything, from everyone, in a village that was unsuitable for someone like me to work for a livelihood. As a matter  of fact, four years  ago I repaired a tumble-down mosque. Although with the certificate I had from my own region to act an imam and preacher, I acted as imam in the mosque for four years (May God accept it), this past Ramadan I could not go there. Sometimes I performed the five daily prayers alone. I was deprived of the twenty-fivefold merit of performing the prayers in congregation.
Bu gurbet halimde; garib, yalnız, kimsesiz, nafaka için çalışmaya benim gibilere muvafık olmayan bir köyde, her şeyden herkesten men’edildim. Hattâ dört sene evvel, harap olmuş bir camiyi tamir ettirdim. Memleketimde imamlık ve vaizlik vesikam elimde olduğundan o camide dört senedir (Allah kabul etsin) imamlık ettiğim halde, şu mübarek geçen ramazanda mescide gidemedim. Bazen yalnız namazımı kıldım. Cemaatle kılınan namazın yirmi beş sevabından ve hayrından mahrum kaldım.

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I showed the same patience and forbearance in the face of these two incidents that  befell  me as I did in the face of that official’s treatment two years ago. God willing I shall continue to do so. I think like this, and say:
İşte başıma gelen bu iki hâdiseye karşı, aynen iki sene evvel, o memurun bana karşı muamelesine gösterdiğim sabır ve tahammülü gösterdim. İnşâallah devam da ettireceğim. Şöyle de düşünüyorum ve diyorum ki:

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if this ill-treatment, distress, and oppression  inflicted on me by the worldly is for my faulty soul, I forgive it. Perhaps my soul will be reformed by means of it, and perhaps it will be atonement for its sins. I have experienced many good things in this guest-house of the world; if I experience a little of its trials, I shall still offer thanks.
Eğer ehl-i dünya tarafından başıma gelen şu eziyet şu sıkıntı şu tazyik, ayıplı ve kusurlu nefsim için ise helâl ediyorum. Benim nefsim belki bununla ıslah-ı hal eder hem ona keffaretü’z-zünub olur. Dünya misafirhanesinin safasını çok gördüm, azıcık cefasını görsem yine şükrederim.

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But if the worldly oppress me because of my service of belief and the Qur’an, it is not up to me to defend it. I refer it to the Mighty and Compelling One.
Eğer imana ve Kur’an’a hizmetkârlığım cihetiyle ehl-i dünya beni tazyik ediyorsa onun müdafaası bana ait değil, onu Aziz-i Cebbar’a havale ediyorum.

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If their intention is to destroy the regard in which I am held generally, to expunge my undeserved fame, which is baseless and causes hypocrisy and destroys sincerity, may God bless them! For to be held in high regard by people generally and gain a name among them is harmful for people like  me. Those who have dealings with me know that I do not want respect to be shown to me, indeed, I can’t abide it. I have even scolded a valuable friend of mine perhaps fifty times for show ing me excessive respect.
Eğer asılsız ve riyaya sebep ve ihlası kıracak bir şöhret-i kâzibeyi kırmak için teveccüh-ü âmmeyi hakkımda bozmak murad ise onlara rahmet… Çünkü teveccüh-ü âmmeye mazhar olmak ve halkların nazarında şöhret kazanmak, benim gibi adamlara zarardır zannederim. Benim ile temas edenler beni bilirler ki şahsıma karşı hürmet istemiyorum, belki nefret ediyorum. Hattâ kıymettar mühim bir dostumu, fazla hürmeti için belki elli defa tekdir etmişim.

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