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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Answer:''' My attitude in the Court Martial and in the period before the proclamation of the Constitution, which are known by many, and my defence in the Court Martial at that time called The Testimony of Two Schools of Misfortune, show decisively that the life I lived was such that I would not resort to the tiniest wiles, let alone cunning and subterfuge." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The worldly ask: How can we be sure you won’t meddle in our world? If we set you free, you may interfere in it. Also, how do we know that you aren’t being cunning? How do we know that it isn’t a stratagem, pretending to have abandoned the world and taking things from the people not openly, but secretly?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Answer:''' My attitude in the Court Martial and in the period before the proclamation of the Constitution, which are known by many, and my defence in the Court Martial at that time called The Testimony of Two Schools of Misfortune, show decisively that the life I lived was such that I would not resort to the tiniest wiles, let alone cunning and subterfuge." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
123. satır: 123. satır:
The worldly ask: How can we be sure you won’t meddle in our world? If we set you free, you may interfere in it. Also, how do we  know that you aren’t being cunning? How do we know that it isn’t a stratagem, pretending to have abandoned the world and taking things from the people not openly, but secretly?
The worldly ask: How can we be sure you won’t meddle in our world? If we set you free, you may interfere in it. Also, how do we  know that you aren’t being cunning? How do we know that it isn’t a stratagem, pretending to have abandoned the world and taking things from the people not openly, but secretly?

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'''The Answer:''' My attitude in the Court Martial and in the period before the proclamation of the Constitution, which are known by many, and my defence in the Court Martial at that time called The Testimony of Two Schools of Misfortune, show decisively that the life I lived was such that I would not resort to the tiniest wiles, let alone cunning and subterfuge.
'''Elcevap:''' Yirmi sene evvelki Divan-ı Harb-i Örfîde ve Hürriyet’ten daha evvel zamanda çoklara malûm hal ve vaziyetim ve “İki Mekteb-i Musibetin Şehadetnamesi” namında o zaman Divan-ı Harpteki müdafaatım kat’î gösterir ki değil kurnazlık belki edna bir hileye tenezzül etmez bir tarzda hayat geçirmişim.

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