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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Moreover, divine determining, which is just, would punish me through their tyrannical hand if I applied to them and had recourse to them, for they oppress me because I am religious. As for divine determining, from time to time it represses me due to my hypocrisy before the worldly, because I am deficient in religion and in sincerity." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Moreover, divine determining, which is just, would punish me through their tyrannical hand if I applied to them and had recourse to them, for they oppress me because I am religious. As for divine determining, from time to time it represses me due to my hypocrisy before the worldly, because I am deficient in religion and in sincerity." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
265. satır: 265. satır:
'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to  politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism.
'''The Sixth:'''The distress and difficulty the worldly have caused me has not been due to  politics, because they know I do not meddle in politics but flee from them. Rather, knowingly or unknowingly, they torment me on account of aggressive atheism because I adhere to religion. In which case, to apply to them infers regretting religion and flattering the cause of aggressive atheism.

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Moreover, divine  determining,  which  is  just,  would  punish me  through their tyrannical hand if I applied to them and had recourse to them, for they oppress me because I am religious. As for divine determining, from time to time it represses me due to my  hypocrisy before the worldly, because I am deficient in religion and in sincerity.
Hem ben onlara müracaat ve dehalet ettikçe; âdil olan kader-i İlahî, beni onların zalim eliyle tazip edecektir. Çünkü onlar diyanete merbutiyetimden beni sıkıyorlar. Kader ise benim diyanette ve ihlasta noksaniyetim var, ara sıra ehl-i dünyaya riyakârlıklarımdan için beni sıkıyor.

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